Crop Model

ORYZA2000: modeling lowland rice

The book ORYZA2000: modeling lowland rice documents the ecophysiological crop model ORYZA2000 to simulate the growth, development, and water balance of lowland rice. ORYZA2000 follows the principles of the “School of de Wit” crop growth simulation models (Bouman et al 1996). It simulates the growth and development of a rice crop in situations of potential production, water limitations, and nitrogen limitations (de Wit and Penning de Vries 1982). The complete online copy of the book can be found online by clicking this link. The content of the accompanying CD of the book is also available for download (click HERE).

Software Development

Supplemental information on ORYZA crop model

ORYZA2000 software and FSEWin Shell development

D.W.G. van Kraalingen

Alterra, Droevendaalsesteeg 3

6708 PB Wageningen


or: P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen

ORYZA v3 software development

Tao Li

International Rice Research Institute

Los Baños, Philippines

or: P.O. Box 7777, Makati , Philippines


B.A.M. Bouman 

International Rice Research Institute

M.J. Kropff

Wageningen University and Research Centre

T.P. Tuong 

International Rice Research Institute

M.C.S. Wopereis

International Fertilizer Development Center

H.F.M. ten Berge 

Wageningen University and Research Centre

H.H. van Laar

Wageningen University and Research Centre


Bill Hardy

International Rice Research Institute

ORYZA2000 Modeling: An Introduction

An introduction to rice modeling using ORYZA2000.


FORTRAN Simulation Environment (FSE)

A helpful guide to using the Fortran Simulation Environment as the shell used for ORYZA2000 rice modeling and simulation.

Potential Production

Modeling rice production at potential conditions.


Nitrogen-limited production

Modeling rice production at nitrogen-limited conditions.


Water-limited Production

Modeling rice production at water-limited conditions.


Rice Crop Parameters

Important crop parameters considered in modeling rice production using ORYZA2000.


Download the complete copy of the accompanying CD of the book ORYZA2000: modeling lowland rice by clicking HERE and take time to read the disclaimer.

NOTE: The accompanying CD contains the older version of ORYZA2000 (Version 2.12, 2004). To download the latest version (Version 2.13, 2009), click HERE.