
Name: ORYZA2000: modeling lowland rice. Accompanying CD-ROM.

Release Date: December 2001


The term "products" refers to all software, manuals, data and other items on the CD-ROM.

The products may be used only for non-commercial purposes. Exceptions can be made only after written permission from the suppliers.

Requests for exclusive use of the products will not be granted by the suppliers.

Publication of any work based on the products should include a reference to: Bouman BAM, Kropff MJ, Tuong TP, Wopereis MCS, ten Berge HFM, van Laar HH. 2001. ORYZA2000: modeling lowland rice. Los Banos (Philippines), International Rice Research Institute. A copy of that publication should be sent to the suppliers of the software products.

The ownership and responsibility of the contents of the supporting manuals (namely, Evaporation.Pdf, FSE.pdf, TTSELECT.pdf, TTUTIL.pdf and Weather.pdf) rests with the authors and the institutions that originally issued the manuals.

Publications based on any of these manuals and/or the products described therein

The suppliers disclaim all warranties, including but not limited to, fitness, performance or (simulation) accuracy for any purpose of the supplied products. The suppliers will not be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of errors in, or the use or inability to use the supplied products, or for any claim by any other party.

Though much care has been taken to make the products easy to use and free of errors, it should be noted that the products originated in an academic environment and were not designed for commercialization. Please report any technical bug that you may find to the suppliers.

Models are never finished and need continued updating as new insights develop. Also, researchers may have different opinions on how to (mathematically) model certain processes of crop growth or the soil water balance. By providing the source code of ORYZA2000, users are encouraged to experiment with the model and make changes or additions according to their own insights and model needs. The suppliers, however, do not provide technical support.


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The suppliers are:

International Rice Research Institute

DAPO Box 777

Metro Manila


telefax: 63(2)845-0606

e-mail: irri@cgiar.org


Wageningen University and Research Centre

PO Box 9101

6700 HB Wageningen

The Netherlands

telefax: (31)317485572

e-mail: info@www.wag-ur.nl