Mind Maps Development Guide

Mind maps are created using FreeMind tool.

Attributes for Knowledge Engine

Conversion from .mm to .json files

After creating a mind map - it needs to be converted into a JSON file to be exported into the app.

  1. Download the mm2json.xsl script from this git repo.
  2. In FreeMind go to File > Export > Using XSLT. This opens the 'Export using XSLT' wizard.
  3. Choose the XSL file you downloaded in Step 1
  4. For choose ExportFile - select the file path where you want to save the output json file and save the file name with the exact text of the root node (this includes capitals, spaces and special characters) eg: /.../New Mindmap.json
    1. Click export
    1. Validate the JSON file using an online JSON validator such as JSON lint.