
Under Progress Papers:

 2) S. Salami, On the boundedness of Mordell-Weil rank of the Jacobian of the curves y^s=ax^r+bin progress.

 1)  S. Salami and A. Shamsi Zargar, The splitting field and generators of Shioda's elliptic surfaces, y^2=x^3 +t^m+1, in progress.

 Submitted Papers

3)  S. Salami, On  special matrices related to Cauchy and Toeplitz matrices, Submitted and Available at: 

 2) S. Salami and A. Shamsi Zargar, Generators, and splitting field of the certain elliptic K3 surfaces,

Submitted and Available at:

1) S. Salami and T. Shaska, Vojta's conjecture on weighted projective varietiesSubmitted and  Available at: 

 Accepted and Published Papers

15)  S. Salami and T. Shaska, Local and Global heights on Weighted varieties,  Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 49, No. 3, Pages:  603-636; Available at:

14)  S. Salami,  On the powerful values of polynomials over number fields,  Albanian, J. Math. Vol. 17 (2023), No. 2, p: 142-165; 

13)  A. Mohajer, and S. Salami, Twists of Albanese varieties of abelian and dihedral covers of P^ℓ with large ranks over function fields,  Comm. in  Algebra 51 (2023), no. 8, 3585-3591. 

12) S. Salami and A. Shamsi Zargar, Rational θ-parallelogram envelopes via $\theta$-congruent elliptic curves, Inter. J. of Number Theory, Vol. 19, No. 07,  p:1681-1706, (2023).

11) S. Salami  and A. Shamsi Zargar, Families of cubic elliptic curves containing sequences of consecutive powers, Rocky Mountain J.   Math., Vol. 51 (2021), No. 5, 1833–1845

10) Corrigendum to “The rational points on certain Abelian varieties over function fields” [J. Number Theory 195 (2019) 330–337], Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 227, October 2021, Pages 306-307.

9) S. Salami,  Twists of the Albanese varieties of cyclic multiple planes with large ranks over higher dimension function fields, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Tome 32, no 3 (2020), p. 861-876.

8) S. Salami and A. Shamsi Zargar, The θ-congruent number elliptic curves via Fermat-type algorithms, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, 52 p. 893-908 (2021)  

7) S. Salami,  A correction to the paper "On curves with split Jacobians", Comm. in  Algebra 48 (2020), no. 3, 1380-1381

6) S. Salami, The rational points on certain Abelian varieties over function fields,  J. Number Theory 195 (2019), 330–337.

5) A. S. Janfada, and S. Salami, On the θ-congruent numbers on real quadratic number fields, Kodai Math. J. Vol 38, no.2,  352-364, (2015)

4) A. S. Janfada, S. Salami, A. Dujella, and J. C. Peral,  On the high rank 𝝅/3 and  2𝝅/3-congruent number elliptic curves, Rocky Mount. J.  Math. Vol. 44, No. 6, 2014

3) Ali S. Janfada, S. Salami, Congruent numbers problem and the BSD conjecture on the  rank of elliptic  Curves,  Farhang and Andisheh Riazi, 45, 2011  (in Persian)

2Ali S. Janfada, S. Salami, On the high rank θ-congruent number elliptic curves, 41th Iranian Inter. Math. Conf. 12-15 September 2010.

1) Andrej Dujella, Ali S. Janfada, and  Sajad Salami, A search for high rank congruent number elliptic curves,  Journal of integer sequences, Vol 12, Issue 5,2009,  Article 09.5.8