Birthday Book Club

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to a new school year at Immaculate Heart of Mary School.  We are continuing the Birthday Book Club again this year.  Pre-Kindergarten 3 through 6th grades are invited to become a Birthday Book Club member.  Due to the generosity of the parents over the years, this is one of the ways we add new books to our library collection.

If you would like your child to participate, we are asking that you send $10.00 in an envelope, "attention library" along with the bottom half of this letter.  If your child's birthday falls on a weekend, a school holiday, during Christmas, Easter or summer vacation, please choose an alternate date that coincides with your child's library day.  Hardback books have been purchased rather than having each student actually bringing in a new library book.  The birthday student will be able to select a book from an age/grade appropriate list as their donation.  The book that your child chooses will then be read to the class.  A nameplate will be placed in front of the book stating your child's name, the month and the year the book was donated. Please be aware that the children will be coming to the library beginning Monday, September 11, 2023.  May God bless you as we begin a brand new school year. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation and a special thank you for all you do for Immaculate Heart of Mary School.


Mrs. Adele Binns


I would like my child to participate in the Birthday Book Club.  Enclosed is $10.00 for a birthday book.

Child's Name __________________________________________________________

Grade __________________________    Room No. _________________ Library Day

Birthday Date_____________________________or Alternate Date______________________________