American Historical Fiction

Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women

Arnow, Harriette. The Kentucky Trace

Banks, Russell. Cloudsplitter

Belfer, Lauren. City of Light

Berger, Thomas. Little Big Man

Blackwood, Gary L. Year of the Hangman

Blos, Joan W. A Gathering of Days

Bond, Nancy. Another Shore

Bohner, Charles H. Bold Journey

Borland, Hal. When the Legends Die

Boyd, James. Drums

Bradley, David. The Chaneysville Incident

Brick, John. The Strong Men

Carr, Caleb. The Alienist; Angel of Darkness

Carrighar, Sally. The Glass Dove.

Carter, Forrest. Watch for Me on the Mountain

Cather, Willa. O, Pioneers!; My Antonia; One of Ours

Chase-Riboud, Barbara. Sally Hemings; The President's Daughter; Echo of Lions

Chopin, Kate. The Awakening

Clapp, Patricia. I'm Deborah Sampson; Constance

Collier, James Lincoln. My Brother Sam is Dead; With Every Drop of Blood

Conde, Maryse. I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem

Cooper, James Fenimore. The Last of the Mohicans; The Deerslayer; others in series

Crafts, Hannah. The Bondwoman's Narrative

Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage

Doctorow, E. L. Ragtime; The Waterworks

Donnell, Susan. Pocahontas

Dos Passos, John. U.S.A. (a trilogy)

Dreiser, Theodore. Sister Carrie; An American Tragedy

Edmonds, Walter D. Drums Along the Mohawk

Fast, Howard. Freedom Road; April Morning

Faulkner, William. The Unvanquished

Fowler, Karen Joy. Sarah Canary

Frazier, Charles. Cold Mountain

Guthrie, A. B. The Big Sky

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter

Hunt, Irene. Across Five Aprils

Jakes, John. [series, several titles]

Jones, Douglas C. A Creek Called Wounded Knee; Elkhorn Tavern; Roman; The Court-martial of George Armstrong Custer; Come Winter

Judd, Cameron. The Hanging at Leadville

Kane, Harnett Thomas. The Lady of Arlington

Kantor, MacKinlay. Andersonville

Keith, Harold. Rifles for Watie

Kelton, Elmer. Slaughter

Keneally, Thomas. Confederates

King, Benjamin. A Bullet for Lincoln

Kirkpatrick, Katherine. Trouble's Daughter

Lasky, Kathryn. Beyond the Burning Time

Levitin, Sonia. Roanoke

Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt

Mallon, Thomas. Two Moons

Mitchell, Margaret. Gone With the Wind

Michener, James [several titles]

Monfredo, Miriam Grace. [several titles—mysteries in historical settings]

Morgan, Robert. Gap Creek

Morrison, Toni. Beloved; Paradise

Perez, Norah A. The Slopes of War

Pesci, David. Amistad

Petry, Ann. Tituba of Salem Village

Richter, Conrad. The Light in the Forest (and series)

Rinaldi, Ann. The Blue Door; In My Father's House; Time Enough for Drums; The Last Silk Dress

Roberts, Kenneth. The Lively Lady; Oliver Wiswell; Arundel; Rabble in Arms

Shaara, Jeff. The Last Full Measure; Rise to Rebellion

Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels

Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle

Smiley, Jane. The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton

Stone, Irving. The President's Lady; Those Who Love; Immortal Wife

Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin

Stuart, Colin. Walks Far Woman

Styron, William. Confessions of Nat Turner

Trumbo, Dalton. Johnny Got His Gun

Turtledove, Harry. The Guns of the South

Vidal, Gore. 1876; Lincoln; Burr

Walker, Margaret. Jubilee

Welch, James. Fool's Crow; Heartsong of Charging Elk

Wharton, Edith. House of Mirth; Age of Innocence; The Custom of the Country

Wibberley, Leonard. The Last Battle


Note: Call numbers for biographies begin with 921 and follow with the first three letters of the last name of the person the book is about, e.g. all biographies about George Washington will have the number 921 WAS.Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years Along This Way: the Autobiography of James Weldon Johnson

American Sphinx (Thomas Jefferson)

Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business

Benjamin Franklin. (new biography, 921 FRA)

Black Elk Speaks (Black Elk)

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: her Progress Toward Utopia

China Men (Chinese immigrants in the 19th century, Maxine Hong Kingston, 325.73 KIN)

The Education of Henry Adams

Founding Brothers: the Revolutionary Generation (new, 920 ELL)

The Frontiersman: the Real Life and the Many Legends of Davy Crockett

Harriet Tubman, Conductor on the Underground Railroad

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Harriet Jacobs)

Invincible Lousia (Louisa May Alcott)

J. Pierpont Morgan: A Biography

Lee of Virginia (Robert E. Lee)

Light-Horse Harry (General Henry Lee)

Love Across Color Lines (Federick Douglass and Ottilie Assing, 920 DIE)

Narrative of the Life of Federick Douglass, An American Slave (Frederick Douglass)

Prince of Humbugs: a Life of P. T. Barnum

Shadow Catcher : the Life and Work of Edward S. Curtis

Titan: the Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

Up from Slavery (Booker T. Washington)