MPF Account

MPF Account is under Master.

HRPro supports multiple MPF Accounts per company, Go to Master Setup > MPF Account to define the MPF Interface File information. The Default MPF Account is defined in Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab. The MPF Account for individual employee (if different than the default) is defined in Employee Master, HR Info Tab

eMPF Format

Once your MPF trustee is Onboarded to the eMPF Platform, you can select the [eMPF] format to generate the CSV file for eMPF Platform.

The format [eMPF] required

The format [BCTCL] (for Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信託有限公司) required

The format [BOCI-PRUD] (for BOCI-Prudential Trustee Limited 中銀國際英國保誠信託有限公司) required

The format [HSBC_ITS] (for HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Asia) Limited 匯豐機構信託服務(亞洲)有限公司) required

The format [HSBC_LIFE] (for HSBC Life (International) Limited 匯豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司) required

The format [HSBC_PFT] Excel (for HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited) required

The format [HSBC_PFT] Text (for HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited) required

The format [MANULIFE] (for Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited 宏利公積金信託有限公司) required

The format [AIA] (for AIA Company (Trustee) Limited 友邦 (信託) 有限公司) required

The format [SUNLIFE] (for Sun Life Trustee Company Limited 永明信託有限公司) required