
Student Expectations:

1. Respect yourself.

2. Respect others.

3. Respect the environment.

We all have choices...

As learners, we understand that we have choices to make each and every day. We also understand that for every choice, there is a resulting consequence. When we make good choices, good things happen! When we make not-so-good choices, it is understood that the following action takes place:

1. Warning (Stop Sign card and/or verbal)

2. Behavior Reflection form/Teacher-student conversation with logical consequence. Form sent home to be signed and returned.

3. Detention/other applicable school policy consequence

It is important to note that every day is a clean slate! However, if students continue to make the same negative choice, they may lose certain classroom privileges (i.e. flexible seating, etc.).

Please consult the Student Handbook for more detailed information regarding Indian Hill's Code of Conduct.

*Please note that according to the Student Handbook, cell phones are not allowed to be out during school hours. This includes homeroom. Should students need to call home, they are welcome to call from the main office.*

Missing/Incomplete Work:

If a student does not complete or turn in an assignment, they are expected to fill out a digital Missing Work form noting what work they are missing and their reason for not having their work. This digital form will automatically generate an email that will be sent to a parent/guardian contact. Students are expected to make up the missing/incomplete work that night and return it to class the following day. If homework is missed due to an absence, students are responsible for returning it the day after they return to school. Work will be counted as missing after that date. In the case of extended absences, please contact me so that an appropriate plan can be arranged.


Due to students with severe allergies, we are happy to celebrate birthdays with a non-food treat!