What to Expect

What to Expect 2016-2017 Version 2


40 mins of reading per night


Please look out our newly adopted math program MathExpressions

Math is taught with a focus on independent thinking in problem solving situations. An integral tool for mathematics is arithmetic. The children MUST have a solid grasp of multiplication tables and other number facts. Timed tests will be given throughout the year.

Reading /Literature

We will be utilizing four core novels and integrating comprehension, spelling and vocabulary. Students should read each night per week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Each month the students are required to read a specific genre. At the end of the month there will be an assignment associated with each genre. Most of these projects will be done independently and some will be completed in the classroom.

Language Arts

We will be teaching language arts utilizing our newly adopted curriculum "BENCHMARKS" this integrates rich social studies and science expository texts. Additionally, Lucy Calkins framework will guide our instruction and we will utilize the six traits, which includes: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. The genres we cover over the course of the school year include: narrative, expository, and opinion. As we transition to the Common Core standards, there will continue to be a greater emphasis on expository writing throughout all curricular areas.

Wordstudy and Vocabulary development

Social Studies

Ms. Taylor is teaching social studies to all fifth graders. The social studies curriculum covers the period of the early people of North America through the creation of the United States. Research and study skills will be taught and reinforced through specific projects. The workbook we are using is Our Nation.


Ms. Alich is teaching science to all fifth graders. The science curriculum will include the study of space and weather, matter and energy, living systems and finally, health and human development. In addition to reading and discussion, experiments and hands-on activities will emphasize observing, classifying, comparing, measuring, communicating, inferring, and predicting. The curriculum for Health and Human Development will be available in the office for your perusal.

Discovery Quest & Current Events

Discovery Quest is an oral question-of-the-month activity that allows students to learn public speaking skills and independent research skills. Students should prepare to participate once a month. Each student is assigned a student number at the beginning of the year. Your child’s student number corresponds with the order in which they will present each month. The schedule may need modification according to holidays and other school events. See below for a general guideline.

Organization/Executive Functioning

We will continue the binder system that is familiar to the children. There should be eight sections in the binder: Homework, Mathematics, Language Arts, Writing, Reading, Vocabulary, Science, and Social Studies. All homework and class work should be placed in one of these sections. Organization is highly stressed in fifth grade. Please help your child to remain organized at home.

We purchased an assignment planner for each student to help with organizational skills. Homework is written on the Smart board, carefully discussed, and time is set aside to copy it down. Additionally, the monthly calendar is in the back of the planner and this will include important dates e.g. test dates and project dates. Students need to refer to it NIGHTLY.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year!


Adrienne Hwee ahwee@hcsd.k12.ca.us 650-548-5348

Michelle Alich malich@hcsd.k12.ca.us 650-548-4340

Olivia Taylor otaylor@hcsd.k12.ca.us 650-548-4353