Discovery Quest is an oral question-of-the-month activity that allows students to learn public speaking skills and independent research skills. Students should prepare to participate once a month.

Each student should use books, magazines, reference books, family member interviews, or research tools such as the Internet to learn about the topic. If a student would like to give a presentation on a Current Event instead of a Discovery Quest, students may use a newspaper or the Internet to research an event that is currently happening in our world.

Students will present to the class in order to receive a speaking score. Acceptable participation means that they DO NOT read their information, but they TELL us what they’ve learned. Students may use note cards, notes, bring pictures, posters they’ve made, or visual aid items.

This activity should be a fun way to study something that is interesting to the student. Look over the Discovery Quest topics for each month and select the most interesting “quest” to study. If some topics are not of interest, plan to present on a Current Event.

Please see the monthly topics below, as well as the grading rubric attached to the bottom of this page.

Thank you for your support!