Initial Application

Initial Application: If you are applying for a Diversification designation for a course that does NOT currently have one, use the below Diversification Course Request Form. Please note that a proposer seeking a Diversification designation should have secured approval for the the course from the proposer's Division, Division Chair, the Leeward CC Faculty Senate, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Chancellor PRIOR to application. In short, the course must exist BEFORE applying for a Diversification designation. Petitions for Diversification designations that have not completed the approval cycle prior to application will be rejected, and proposers will be asked to re-submit their applications at a later date. First-time Diversification designations are good for five years and are effective the next full semester following the semester of application (e.g., a proposer who applies for a Diversification designation in Fall semester will, if approved, have the designation effective the following Spring semester; likewise, a proposer who applies for a Diversification designation in Spring semester will, if approved, have the designation effective the following Fall semester).

If you encounter problems accessing the below embedded form, please try accessing the unembedded Diversification Course Request form.

Please contact Sandro Jube and Marie McKenzie at, or (808) 455-0290, and, or (808) 455-0312, respectively, if you have difficulties accessing this form.