2021-2022 Logo Contest Winners

We held an open Logo Contest in Spring 2022. For our Logo Contest, we had two amazing people win this award because they were both spectacular. The two artist-made pieces of work that embodies what our organization is about. Here is a little information about one of our artists:

The first artist was Jasmine Smith and she is a freshman that attends Hastings College.

What inspired Jasmine to create the logo: "As I was thinking about what the new logo could look like, I thought about what Food4Thought actually does which is hand out food so hence the grocery bad. And in my previous experience, food can give so much hope to someone who is in the midst of food insecurity. That's where the slogan came from. I just wanted a simple, but beautiful way to show what Food4Thought does for our community, and how important its program is.

We will hold a new Logo Contest in Spring 2023!

Jasmine Smith's Design