Student Leadership Team Alumni

We are indebted to the students who have served as leaders over the years. Much gratitude to you all for making this organization what it is today.

Please forgive us for not including you! This is a new page, so we will update as we receive information about our amazing alums! If you want to add a current picture/bio, please send your information to!

Lauren Newlin (F4T "floater") is from Joliet, IL, but now lives in Coraopolis, PA. She graduated from Hastings College in Dec. 2020, majoring in Human Resource Management and minoring in Psychology. Besides Food4Thought, Lauren was a member of the Hastings College Band, Alliance, and the co-ed Greek group Kappa Rho Upsilon (KPY). Lauren's interest in volunteering with Food4Thought stemmed from her desire of wanting to help families in the Hastings community that struggle with food insecurity.