Forest Friday

Exploring the natural world using your five senses provides a rich and wondering setting for learning. Nature provides a range of purposeful contexts that the children can really become involved in. We are greatful to live in such a beautiful part of the world with amazing natural resources right behind our school! The Milton Frye Nature Preserve has so much to offer including, natural streams to explore the properties of water, trails with a wide variety of trees that change with the seasons, and wildlife that depend upon both. These resources give children tangible ways of working with and in nature to increase their connection to it.

With that in mind, our goal for the MCS kindergarten program is to spend most of our Fridays outside. We will explore the natural world and make connections with stories, counting, and recording observations.

Some investigations might take the whole school year as we explore the changes that occur in nature over time. We ask that each child be dressed appropriately for the weather, each Friday. Rubber boots when it is raining, rain coats, extra layers etc. If you want to use bug spray, please put it on before school. Ticks, as always, are out and about in the grass (even on our back playground) and in the woods, please make sure you check your child for ticks each day, but especially on Fridays before bedtime.

Much of the inspiration for Forest Fridays program came from the book: