Academic Integrity Policy


Passed by Council, February 29, 2008

Adopted by the Dresden School Board 3/25/2008

Violations and Definitions

Any of the following are acts of academic dishonesty and therefore violations of the Academic Integrity Policy (AIP) and the HHS Honor Code.Students caught in an act of academic dishonesty before the act has been completed are also in violation of this policy.

Cheating is any activity in which a student deliberately misrepresents their actual academic achievement.

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty where a student intentionally takes and/or uses as their own work another’s published or unpublished thoughts, ideas, or writings. Verbatim repetition or paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, of another person’s writing, work, or research is also plagiarism.

Misrepresentation includes any fabrication or false presentation of data, quotations, sources, or other information.

Aiding or Abetting includes helping another student to cheat, plagiarize, misrepresent or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty.

Asking, Persuading, or Coercing another student to engage in any of the behaviors listed above is a violation of this policy.

Policy & Procedures

Revised February, 4, 2015

Adopted by the Dresden School Board March, 2015

At a minimum, within the first week of each semester, teachers will provide a written explanation of specific expectations for complying with the Academic Integrity Policy in their classes and facilitate a discussion of those expectations. A teacher, perceiving a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, will individually alert each student concerned and notify the Dean of Students. (The teacher will not address the matter independently.) To decide if the case is actionable (i.e. an admission of violation or sufficient evidence to require follow-up) under the Academic Integrity Policy, the Dean of Students will confer with the student about the circumstance and evidence.

A. STUDENT ACCEPTS ALLEGATION. If the student accepts the allegation, the Dean will:

1. Contact parents/guardians to set up meeting.

2. Inform attendees at this meeting:

a) of the base consequences the student faces for this offense. Base consequences are outlined below.

b) of the opportunity to participate in Restorative Practices in Section 9.

3. Student and parent decide which pathway they would like to take.

B. STUDENT CONTESTS ALLEGATION. If the student contests the allegation, the Dean will:

1. Schedule a hearing immediately to determine the involvement or guilt of the student.

2. Invite parents/guardians to attend the hearing.

3. Make a determination, appealable to the Judiciary Committee.

a) If the student appeals to the Judiciary Committee and the ruling corroborates the Dean's decision, then s/he will still have the option of the restorative justice pathway as delineated above.

b) If the student is not interested in following the restorative justice pathway, then s/he will receive the base consequences and any other punishment(s) judged appropriate by the Dean.

c) A copy of the signed contract will be retained in the Dean's "files as well as the Coordinator's files.

Responses & Consequences

Base Consequences (unless otherwise determined at the RP Conference)

In any actionable case of academic dishonesty, the following consequences will occur, unless otherwise determined by the RJ Coordinator:

  • A “0” for the assignment in question;

  • Notification of the student’s parents or guardians;

  • Notification of the student’s counselor;

  • Counselors report infraction to colleges during the application process;

  • Up to five weeks time scheduled up;

  • An apology shall be given in person to the staff or students directly affected by the offense.

First Offense

A first offense in a student’s high school career will incur base consequences as defined above. If a first offense is deemed to be a more serious offense, it may incur additional penalties as defined below.

Additional, Multiple, or More Serious Offenses

Additional, multiple or more serious incidents of academic dishonesty (including serious first offenses) will be dealt with more severely. In addition to the base consequences defined above, consequences may also include any of the following:

  • More than 5 weeks time spent scheduled up;

  • 1-10 days suspended (in or out of school);

  • Notification of the student’s current teachers;

  • Removal from any leadership positions in the school or in extra-curricular activities, including, but not limited to, captaincy on athletic teams, Council executive positions, and club/activity leadership positions;

  • A “Withdrawn Failing” grade from the class in which the offense occurred;

  • No credit (“NC”) for the quarter for the class in which the offense occurred. The student will be given a fixed numerical grade of their existing score minus 41 points. No student may be given a numerical grade of less than a 0;

  • No public recognition of the student at any underclass or senior awards functions in the school year of the violation;

  • Suspension from and/or limitations on the participation in any school-related activity in which the student represents HHS either inside the high school or in travel to other schools or events for up to 20 school weeks.

Variables for Determining Severity of Offense

Penalties and consequences shall be determined by the Dean of Students based on the severity of the offense. In determining severity, the Dean of Students should consider factors such as:

  • Repetition (prior incidents)

  • Collusion with other students

  • Type of assignment

  • Type of violation

  • Seriousness of offense

  • Contrition of student

  • Cooperation of student after accusation

  • Premeditation of offense

  • Degree of effect on school community

Faculty members will have access to official disciplinary records documenting academic dishonesty for the purpose of writing letters of recommendation. Students should be aware that many college recommendation forms ask whether the student has been academically dishonest. Further, the Hanover High School Secondary School Report, which is part of every college application, will specify whether a student has been administratively disciplined in grades 9 through 12 for an actionable violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, unless otherwise determined by the RJ Coordinator.

Collaborative List of Resources

Aine Donovan, Professor of Ethics, Dartmouth College

Choate Rosemary Hall, Connecticut

Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Delone Catholic High School, Maryland

Haverford College, Pennsylvania

New Trier High School, Illinois

The Hanover High School Council

“The Plagiarism Plague”,

Van Nuys High School, California

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia