
Haledon Is a Google School

Google Apps

To find the apps most frequently used at Haledon, sign into the HPS system using your haledon.org account. Once there, look in the upper right hand corner to see the "waffle" next to your icon. Click on the waffle and a drop-down menu of apps will appear. These can be modified to include those specific apps or that you prefer.

Here are some of the Google apps most frequently used at HPS:

Gmail - ALL STAFF communication goes through Gmail. Be sure to check yours often!

Calendar - You will have your own calendar, and your Google Classrooms will all have their own calendars. You should also install the HPS Staff Calendar so that you can stay current on upcoming school events.

Drive - This is where all documents and media are stored. It is critical that you learn how to organize it efficiently.

Classroom - You are expected to set up a Classroom for each of your classes. This is an efficient way to keep all resources and assignments in one location. It may be included in your evaluation.

Meet - When students are quarantined, you will need to use Meet to livestream your class for them. Otherwise, during the '21-'22 year, you are not expected to teach remotely unless conditions change.

Docs - Word processing program that can be shared simultaneously with other writers.

Slides - Presentation program that can accept text, pictures, video, and sound. This can also be edited by many writers

Forms - Survey or information collection tool. Many teachers use it to do Exit Tickets or quick quizzes.