Welcome to the G-T/R-A School Counseling Department! Go Titans !!
High School Students/ Parents & Guardians check out these sites for info about: FAFSA / College Financial Aid , ACT Testing Registration , Career Research Site , Iowa College Resources and Info , Scholarship Info & Sites , Upcoming College Rep Visit Dates .
Seniors & Parents/ Guardians, check back to this page each month for Scholarship Info & other info about Financial Aid.
*** Fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) ASAP after Ocotober 1st at www.FAFSA.gov ***
FINDING The College or Career Path That BEST Fits YOU.
After you think about subjects and activities that interest you most, research careers that could put those interests to use. The following resources can help you learn more about careers and the skills they require, as well as which fields are the fastest-growing and offer competitive salaries.
-Future Ready Career Survey: Career One-Stop Survey
-Iowa College Aid: Scholarships & Iowa Grant Info
-Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook: www.bls.gov/ooh
-Bureau of Labor Statistics --Career Outlook: www.bls.gov/careeroutlook
Please contact Mr. Borchers , Mrs. Peterson, or Mrs. Price with questions about Academics, College and Career Exploration & Goals, or Student Social Concerns.