Theatre 4 Syllabus


1. Be ready to BEGIN rehearsal when the tardy bell rings.

2. ALL cast members should be ACTIVELY listening while the other cast members rehearse. This will eliminate my having to give direction twice.

3. Don’t be a LAZY actor.

4. If you are not in the acting area DON’T make comments or little jokes that take away rehearsal time.

5. Approach each rehearsal like it’s a performance. Bring character choices to rehearsal. Don’t wait for rehearsal to make your choices.


7. Don’t be lazy with your speech. Think of alternative ways to show frustration other than screaming.

8. Be off book ON TIME. Failure to be off book on the assigned date will result in loss of the role.

9. When we start rehearsals after school EVERYONE is expected to be at rehearsal the ENTIRE time. ASK OFF OF WORK NOW AND DO NOT SCHEDULE OTHER APPOINTMENTS.

10. THINK about your character: What are stereo typical traits? Am I showing teenager or am I showing wealthy socialite? Think about your posture and movement. How can I show politician, psychiatrist, eccentric cook, etc.?

11. Don’t talk during rehearsal, keep your hands to yourself, don’t direct other people, don’t feel like if you’re not onstage you have nothing to do.

12. STAY FOCUSED. Don’t talk about other things. Remain in character. We are here to do a job.

13. If you know your character will use a hand prop or you choose for your character to have one, bring it in and work with it.

14. NO EXCUSES, folks. Lines should be learned, be on time and ready to go, PRACTICE SELF DISCIPLINE.

15. Remember, these are rehearsals, not discussion groups. Make choices and commit to them. I will let you know if I feel they are not appropriate.

16. Watch language. Do not argue over something I may tell you to remove or replace.

17. NO CELL PHONE USE DURING REHEARSAL. This also applies to after school rehearsals.

Every day things:

  1. Be on time. Tardies will report to attendance.
  2. NO food or drink other than water.
  3. Do not leave class without permission, and then it needs to be for something important.
  4. NO CELL PHONES! This is your warning. Each person will have an assigned spot on the table when you enter. I intend to follow the school rules and I do not want to see them. Should I see a cell phone or other device, I will simply ask for it and turn it over to the administration.
  5. Theatre 3H, 4H - You are required to attend ALL performances of ALL drama functions: plays, musical, and pageant. Theatre 2 – You are required to attend at least ONE night of each production we do. You will be either working or acting in these shows. The ONLY exception is if you are participating in another school function and have made prior arrangements with me.
  6. Grading will be as follows: Final grade is 40% is daily work (on task, showing evidence of rehearsal, taking notes, working on set, costumes, props, etc.), 40% will be MEMORIZATION, quizzes, discussion, evaluation after each show, PERFORMANCES, and projects. 20% is your final exam. Quarter grade will be 60% major grades and 40% daily grades.
  7. Please put all personal items against the black wall when you enter the room, have a seat and wait for instruction.
  8. Make up work must be done within 5 days of the absence. You get one day if it is a field trip.
  9. If you are going to be absent and miss a rehearsal, you need to have your parent send me an email by 8:30 am the day you are absent. My contact information is: 864-355-4987

student signature

parent signature