Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary Actions

Misuse of Chromebooks has the potential to earn disciplinary consequences such as, but not limited to, lunch detentions, In-School Suspensions, and Out-of-School Suspensions as well as loss of Chromebook privileges. Examples of conduct warranting disciplinary action include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Leaving Chromebook unattended.

  • Removal of student ID stickers from Chromebook.

  • Deleting school installed settings from a Chromebook.

  • Lack of adequate care for Chromebook, charger, etc.

  • Resetting Chromebook to factory defaults.

  • Placing the Chromebook in developer mode.

  • Adjusting settings on someone else's Chromebook.

  • Adding a credit card to a Google Account (Google Wallet) to purchase music/unapproved apps.

  • Logging in under personal Google account to download purchased apps for yourself or another student(s).

  • Leaving Chromebook at home. Lack of preparation for classes.

  • Loaning of student device to other students inside and outside of school.

  • Failure to utilize protective cases at all times.

  • Multiple damage instances caused by lack of care for the Chromebook and other peripheral devices.

  • Off task from given assignment (playing games, etc.)