Chromebook Violation Policy

Chromebook Violations and Consequences

If a student violates any part of the GCS Student Acceptable Use Policy, he/she will be subject to the following consequences at Fountain Inn Elementary:

Violation 1: Student will lose Chromebook privileges for the remainder of

the day and the following school day.

Violation 2: Student will lose Chromebook privileges for 3 days.

Violation 3: Student will lose Chromebook privileges for 5 days / 1 week.

Violation 4: Student will lose Chromebook privileges for 30 days / 1 month.

Violation 5: Student will have their Chromebook privileges revoked for the

remainder of the school year. Technology fee will not be refunded.

When a student loses Chromebook privileges, the Chromebook will remain in teacher’s possession. Students may use their Chromebook to complete assessments at the teacher’s discretion. Additionally, alternative assignments may be given.

At administration’s discretion and on a case-by-case basis, different, additional and more serious consequences may be enforced depending on the frequency and severity of the offense.

Examples of conduct warranting Chromebook consequences include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Leaving Chromebook unattended.

    • Removal of student ID stickers from Chromebook.

    • Deleting school installed settings from a Chromebook.

    • Lack of adequate care for Chromebook, charger, etc.

    • Resetting Chromebook to factory defaults.

    • Placing the Chromebook in developer mode.

    • Adjusting settings on someone else's Chromebook.

    • Adding a credit card to a Google Account (Google Wallet) to purchase music/unapproved apps.

    • Logging in under personal Google account to download purchased apps for yourself or another student(s).

    • Leaving Chromebook at home. Lack of preparation for classes.

    • Loaning of student device to other students inside and outside of school.

    • Failure to utilize protective cases at all times.

    • Multiple damage instances caused by lack of care for the Chromebook and other peripheral devices.

    • Off task from given assignment (playing games, etc.)