A Day in the Life of a FIE Chromebook

A Day in the Life of an FIES Chromebook

At All Times

    • Chromebooks should never be left unattended outside of the classroom.

    • Chromebooks should only be used by the responsible student. Under no circumstances should a student use a Chromebook that is assigned to another student.

    • The Chromebook starts each and every day fully charged.


    • During breakfast, the Chromebook is not used. The Chromebook remains in the classroom charging area until students have finished eating and have discarded all breakfast waste.

Retrieving the Chromebook

    • After breakfast and when instructed by the teacher, the Chromebook is retrieved by the student from the classroom charging area.

    • Charging cords should be left in an orderly manner once the Chromebook is unplugged.

    • Teachers may want to designate a student to unplug Chromebooks at the start of the day and organize charging cords.

    • If Teachers do not plan to use the Chromebooks at the beginning of the day, they may choose to distribute Chromebooks when needed rather than the start of class.

    • Students carry the Chromebooks to their desks using a two handed hold, and once seated, carefully open the Chromebook into Workstation position.

    • Students should not place the Chromebook in Workstation position unless they are going to be seated immediately.

During Class

    • Teachers will notify students whether or not the Chromebook is to be used during each class period.

    • Based on teacher notification, the Chromebook remains in the charging station, or at the student desk, either in Workstation position or Clam Shell position.

    • When in Workstation position, the Chromebook must be placed securely on a desktop or tabletop for use.

    • If Chromebooks are not being used, they should be in Sleep Mode.

    • At the end of class, Chromebooks are closed and placed in Sleep Mode.

Class Change

    • All Chromebooks should be closed and in Sleep Mode during class changes.

    • Chromebooks are carried by the responsible student using the two-handed grip.

    • Chromebooks should never be in the area of any horseplay, including pushing, shoving, running, or other.

    • Chromebooks remain closed and in Sleep Mode until placed securely on a desktop or table top in the next class.


    • Chromebooks will remain in the classrooms and are not to be carried into the bathrooms.

During Lunch and Recess

    • Chromebooks are to remain in the classroom closed and in Sleep Mode during lunch.

    • Chromebooks are to remain in the classroom closed and in Sleep Mode during recess.

During Related Arts

    • Chromebooks will be taken to Related Arts classes only when requested by the Related Arts Teacher.

End of the Day

    • 2:20, all Chromebooks will be returned to homeroom.

    • Students will place the Chromebook in the designated location in the classroom charging area.

    • Students will carefully place the charging cord in the appropriate port and return to their seats.

    • Students will dismiss from homeroom.