Cadet Testimonials
By: C/PFC Nick Reinke (Cadet, enlisted Army 2022)
The Wisconsin Army Cadets was one of the best programs I have ever chose to join throughout high school. The program has greatly impacted my life and morals. To start off, the Cadets helped to solidify my decision to enlist in the US Army. I was uncertain of my future career path in life during high school and always thought of the Army as an option, still I didn’t know if it would be the lifestyle I would have truly wanted. Then I found the Cadets, after going through BCT and going to drills I realized this was what I wanted to do with my life. It is a well run program with new and interactive training at every drill.
I am very grateful of the experience I have gained throughout my time in the program and I hope to see the program prosper on in the future.
By: C/SFC Bobbi Bruehl (Previous Cadet)
The Wisconsin Army Cadets has greatly impacted my life. Through this program, I have gained knowledge and skills that will help me to succeed, not only my future military career, but my civilian life as well. I have done things I did not believe I was capable of doing, and I am finding myself to become the person I aspire to be. I have met very inspiring people in this program who continue to motivate and push me to exceed my limits. I look up to my fellow peers and my mentors who have taught, and continue to teach me new things. The WIARC program has made an influential impact on my life, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds with my experience in this program.
By: C/SFC Daniel Youngquist (Cadet, enlisted Army 2020)
I have always wanted to be in the military since I was a little kid, it was my dream. I always wanted military haircuts as a little boy, and now I get them. The cadets have really opened my eyes to a new world. It is like nothing I thought, but much more. From classes to PT tests to marching, it’s all amazing. About three years ago I joined a program that would shape my life forever. The Cadet Program has influenced my life in such a positive way, it teaches us not only about the military but how to be a decent human being. The 7 core values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage are not only for the military but in all life. The Cadets are all about respect, team building, leadership, and responsibility. All my friends at school always ask me what the program is about; I tell them it is a second family to me. Most people that know about the Cadets think what we do is amazing. My teachers, friends and relatives are all proud in different ways, knowing that the Cadet Program is influencing kids how to be young adults. I am very grateful for what the Cadets have done for me. Everyone at the Wisconsin Army Cadets has played a huge part in my life, and I know the program has a great future in the coming years.
C/MSG Collin Vander Putten (Previous Cadet, enlisted USMC 2015)
The Cadet program really changed my perspective on life for me, it opened doors that I didn't think would even open for me at all. The program taught me more self-discipline and respect than I would think imaginable. The program taught me to stand up for myself, other people and what I believe in and to stand by my brothers and sisters. Both of my parents were amazed when I came home from Cadet Basic Training and saw the level of respect and self-discipline I had acquired over the four-day span. In all reality, it changed my life and how I view the world today.
1LT Andrew Kirkpatrick (Current Officer, previous Cadet)
I joined the Cadets when I was 15 years old. I had a strong interest in the military and wanted to make it a career. The Cadet program taught me what I needed to know to be successful. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans for me and I was released from the military on medical grounds. I left the Cadets for a time, but eventually came back as an adult adviser and an officer in two different units. I found that providing a safe and fun atmosphere where youth could partake in military training while learning valuable leadership skills using the seven core Army (Cadet) values was my way to serve my community and my country. I am proud to have been a part of this program for some 15 of the last 18 years. I've seen shy and timid kids develop into thoughtful young adults as they hone their critical thinking and leadership skills.
Letter from Cadet Parents [Excerpt]
Cadets came at a time in his life that he was really struggling (8th grade). It was the first and only activity that he agreed to and wanted to try. He gained confidence and leadership in the program. He got to experience things he never would have. He began working out and changing his mindset about himself.
Almost 3 years later and he is a different kid now. He is active, confident and involved in sports. He has the goal of playing college football and he is going to get there. It all started with cadets. For that I have so much gratitude.
The heart and soul you guys all put into this program is amazing. I just wanted you to know that the impact the program had on our son has been profound. Profound enough to move past it and on to the next adventure.Cadets gave him the mental fortitude and freedom to move on.
Please keep doing what you are doing. With much gratitude, Mr. and Mrs. S.
By: C/PFC Jackson (Previous Cadet)
I joined the unit for many reasons. When I was growing up my brothers went off to war and I looked to them as my heroes. My dad was another big help in this he was a an E6 and served for 21 years.
I joined the WIAC to learn about some of the things they went through, the training, the teamwork and so much more. Without this program I wouldn’t have developed my leadership skills. I would not have met this new family and my friends. Sure we have our ups and downs, but that’s family. We improvise, adapt, and overcome.