The Wisconsin Army Cadets (WIARC) is a non-profit Military Career Exploring program, chartered by the Wisconsin Army National Guard and Exploring. We are not a military recruiting or youth delinquency program, but an independent Nationally Organized Youth Group, closely patterned after the United States Army. While not controlled or funded by the United States government, the US Military does provide support through several means and recognizes the program as a valuable partner in building America's youth.
The Department of Defense has published directives and instructions that direct the Armed Forces to support, to the extent as may be possible, Nationally Organized Youth Groups. Each branch of the Armed Forces and the Coast Guard are guided by these policies, and in turn, each has issued regulations which provide local Commanders with guidance and the necessary authority to provide such support. This support varies from service-to-service, and may include: shipboard cruises, orientation flights, training aids and manuals, permissive no-cost orders for active military personnel participating in cadet activities, and in most cases, facility utilization for training. This guidance and authority is published in the following:
U.S. Navy in OPNAVINST 5760.5B
U.S. Marine Corps in SECNAVINST 5720.44A
U.S. Army in Army Regulations 360-61, 210-1, 28-19 and 725-1
U.S. Air Force in AF Regulation 190-1, Public Affairs
U.S. Coast Guard Public Affairs Manual, COMDTINST M5728.2A