The Wisconsin Army Cadets is a military career exploration program for young men and women ages 13-20 years old.
Our Mission
Providing military career exploration and leadership opportunities to motivated youth ages 13-20.
Our Vision
The Vision of the Wisconsin Army Cadets is to be the standard for all youth military career exploration programs in the United States.
Our History
The Wisconsin Army Cadets, established in 1992 by COL Brian Blahnik and Mr. Dave Grimm, has more than 30 years of experience in training and teaching the thousands of youth that have come through our program. We are a non-profit organization chartered by Exploring and the Wisconsin Army National Guard, HHC 2-127th Infantry. Approximately 30% of our Cadets join the US Armed Forces, including three appointees to West Point Academy. While we are not a recruiting organization for the US Armed Forces, a Cadet who joins the military will have a tremendous foundation for their military career.
From Recruit to Cadet
Upon joining the program, a Recruit is expected to attend monthly weekend drills. After completing a very challenging four day Basic Cadet Training held annually in October, a Recruit earns the title of Cadet, and the right to wear the modified Army uniform, excel through the ranks and hold leadership roles. During monthly weekend drills Cadets develop self confidence, mental and physical discipline, leadership, teamwork and communication skills in an environment where hard work and accountability are the standard.
Weekend Drills
Drill weekend begins with first formation Saturday at 1300. Examples of hands on training include Field Training Exercises, Water Survival, First Aid & CPR, Squad Tactics, Map Reading & Land Navigation and Weapons Familiarization & Qualification. Training takes place at the Wisconsin Army National Guard Armory, 2801 W. Second St., Appleton, WI, or at an appropriate offsite location. Cadets sleep overnight at the Armory, rising early Sunday morning for PT and chow. Drill ends with final formation Sunday at 1200.
Come Check Us Out!
Are you between the ages of 13 and 20? Are you ready to be part of a team of youth who work hard together to accomplish a mission? Contact us by emailing our Public Affairs Officer at
The Wisconsin Army Cadets (WIARC) is a non-profit Military Career Exploring program, chartered by Exploring BSA. We are not a military recruiting or youth delinquency program, but a military career exploration program for motivated youth, closely patterned after the United States Army. While not affiliated or funded by the United States government, the US Military, or the Wisconsin Army National Guard (WIARNG), the US military does provide support through several means and recognizes the positive impacts the program has in building America's youth.