Requesting Transcripts and GPA


To Colleges/Universities- Official Transcript - GLHS Graduates/Alumni:

Green Lake High School, along with many other schools in the area, has contracted with Parchment to bring a safe, paperless way to send transcripts to the colleges of your choice. The request service is secure and available 24/7. You will never have to wonder if your transcript arrived by mail. Parchment will email you to confirm that your transcript has been sent. Parchment even confirms when the college receives them. The cost is around $3.00 per transcript sent electronically -this is what Parchment charges for the services, GLSD does not charge any fee to use this service. GLHS graduates/alumni will use this service to have transcripts sent. Transcript requests are NOT processed over weekends or holiday breaks from school -keep this in mind as you are applying to colleges. Please contact GLHS if you have difficulties. 

Step 1: Log into Parchment with your email address and password.

Step 2: Select the destination to receive your transcript. Pay your fee. You will receive email confirmation that your order has been received, the transcript has been sent, and the transcript has been received and downloaded by the college/university.


** If you are applying to colleges or universities using the CommonApp, do NOT send your transcripts directly to those colleges. Use the "CommonApp" tab on Parchment/Career Cruising and enter your Common App ID to have your transcript connected to the CommonApp itself when it is submitted. This will submit your transcript to all of the colleges you apply to using the CommonApp. It will help keep all of your materials together and will save you money because you will only have to request the transcript one time for whatever schools use the CommonApp.**

** If you are having your transcript sent for the purpose of NCAA clearance because you want to pursue D1 or D2 athletics in college. You must have your transcript sent to "NCAA". Applying to the NCAA Eligibility Center is an additional process you will need to go through while also applying to the various colleges and universities you are interested in. The NCAA Eligibility Center application process should ideally be started toward the beginning of Junior year.**

**Unofficial Self-View: If you would like to have an unofficial copy of your transcript for your own purposes. You may request this through your school counselor or Parchment (Graduates/Alumni).**


To Scholarships Committees, Employers or Other Individuals- Official Transcript:

Please complete this form, sign it, and either fax, email, or hand deliver to the school office. This will prompt the District Administrative Assistant to release the transcript directly to those specified. Multiple transcripts may be requested at one time if desired. 

GPA (Grade Point Average)

You can practice requesting transcripts on Parchment and request a self-view transcript in order to see you GPA. You can also stop by or email Mrs. Linde to ask her for your up-to-date GPA. 

GPA is updated each semester on your transcript. In order to understand GPA, please refer to page 12 in the student handbook or see below:

Standardized Grading Scale: 

A      94% and above 

A-     93% 

B+    91% - 92% 

B      87% - 90% 

B-     86% 

C+    84% - 85% 

C      79% -83% 

C-     78% 

D+    76% - 77% 

D      71% - 75% 

D-     70% 

F       0% - 69%   

The cumulative average of semester grades determines a student’s grade point 

average.  The following grade equivalencies will be used:

A      (4.00)               

A-    (3.67)                                   

B+    (3.33)                   

B      (3.00)                 

B-     (2.67)         

C+    (2.33)  

C      (2.00)

C-     (1.67) 

D+    (1.33)

D      (1.00)

D-    (0.67)

F       (0.00)