Glastonbury Public Schools Science

Placement/ Levels FAQs

Q:  My child is currently in a Level 2 class. Can they take a Level 1 science class next year?

Answer: It is possible. The science curriculum is designed with enough flexibility so that a student can change levels between any two grade levels. The current teacher's recommendation provides the best perspective as to whether a student is prepared for a level change. In addition,  we have designed a Student Self Reflection tool to help students and parents consider the student's current work habits, strengths and weaknesses as they think about the correct academic course level. 

Q:  How important are math skills for success in science classes?

Answer: It varies depending on the discipline area. The skills related to applying mathematics are very important in physics courses, and are used on a frequent basis. Application of mathematics skills are not used frequently in biology courses. The application of mathematics skills in chemistry classes are somewhere in between that of physics and biology.

Q:  How many years of high school science should my child take?

Answer: The Science Department's perspective is that it is best for all students to take science every year of their high school career --- it will help students be better-prepared for the expectations of the 21st Century. During their first three years of high school courses in chemistry, biology, and physics will provide your child with a solid grounding in the fundamental content areas of science. During their senior year, they can pursue an area of particular interest in science.