K-5 iPad Guidelines

2024-2025 Expectations for K–5 Purposeful iPad Use 

Glastonbury Public Schools is committed to helping students become responsible digital citizens. The guidelines below are aligned with our district's goals. They promote active learning and prioritize student well-being.  

Grades K–1 iPad Guidelines*

In these foundational years, iPad use is limited and directly supervised. Face-to-face interactions and paper-pencil tasks anchor daily lessons.

Purposeful iPad Use

Kindergarten and first grade students will use iPads sparingly. They will access age-appropriate educational apps and tools. Selected apps will support interactive and creative learning. Teachers will supervise iPad use.  

Instructional apps and functions may include: 

Grades 2–3 iPad Guidelines*

In grades 2 and 3, teachers guide student iPad use.  Students will engage in traditional learning, while also learning how to use apps on the iPad to expand and enhance their lessons. 

Purposeful iPad Use

Second and third-grade students will use iPads to support collaboration, inquiry, and skill practice.  Teachers will guide students in the use of age-appropriate educational apps. 

Instructional apps and functions may include: 

Grades 45 iPad Guidelines*

In grades 4 and 5, teachers regulate and support student iPad use to achieve learning outcomes. Lessons in digital literacy and digital citizenship support formal research and appropriate use of technology.  

Purposeful iPad Use 

Fourth and fifth-grade students will use iPads and age-appropriate apps to explore various topics, collaborate on projects using responsible digital practices, and apply learning through relevant applications. 

Instructional apps and functions may include: 

*PLEASE NOTE:  Specific learning tasks and/or the individual needs of students may require increased iPad use during or beyond the school day. We will be flexible and make accommodations as needed.