Glastonbury High School Library Media Center

Research Databases

Research Databases at GHS

The Glastonbury High School Library Media Center subscribes to a number of research databases for student and staff use. The comprehensive list is below. 

Students and staff should follow the directions provided here to access these resources.

Database Access for Glastonbury High School Students and Staff 

Please click the button below to access Glastonbury High School Library Media Databases and Password information. You will need to login using your Glastonbury Schools Google account.

Glastonbury High School Library Media Database List

American History Online

Spans more than 500 years of political, military, social, and cultural history, highlighting the important people and events of the American experience.

Ancient and Medieval History Online

Explores the pre-modern world with in-depth focus on Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

Britannica ImageQuest

Access to millions of copyright free images from one safe site. Use for classroom activities and homework assignments. 

Britannica School 

Offering thousands of up-to-date articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, recommended reliable websites and three separate encyclopedias.

CQ Researcher

Weekly in-depth reports focusing on single social, economic, international or scientific trends. Pro-con debates and bibliographies.

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

Information on wide variety of careers, skills, education, employment outlook, work conditions, etc. 

Flipster (Magazines)

Your go-to resource for digital magazines on your computer or any device.

Gale Resources

Access to resources in all formats covering all subjects:

Issues and Controversies in American History

Comprehensive in-depth coverage of the key issues and great debates in U.S. History

Issues and Controversies on File

Explores more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture with pro/con statements, timelines, statistics and in-depth articles.


Journal Storage - Archive of full text scholarly journals covering many disciplines including science, education, history, mathematics, literature, psychology and more. Because JSTOR is an archive, most journals have a gap of 1-5 years between the most recently published journal issue and back issues available in JSTOR.

MAS Ultra

Designed specifically for high school libraries.  Contains full-text for hundreds of popular high school magazines covering a wide range of subject areas including history, science, careers and much more.

Modern World History Online

Covers the people, places, and events in the broad expanse of history from mid-15th century to the present.

Oxford English Dictionary Online

Most comprehensive, etymological dictionary of the English language providing meaning, history and pronunciation of half a million words past and present.

Points of View Reference Center

Resources that provide multiple sides of an issue helping you to gain a balanced perspective on current events and hot topics for persuasive arguments.

Proquest Historical Newspapers

Full-image archive providing the entire historical run of the New York Times from 1851-2001. Every page of every issue with full-page and article images in downloadable PDF.  Several other national newspapers are archived here also. (For current articles use researchIT CT Newsstand.)

researchIT CT- Connecticut’s Research Engine (formerly iCONN)

Administered by the Connecticut State Library in conjunction   with the Dept. of Higher Education. Authorized and funded by the Connecticut State Legislature. Free to all Connecticut Residents. 

Teen Health and Wellness

A wide variety of information about human anatomy and physiology, disabilities, diseases and conditions, diversity, mental health, sex, sexual orientation, family issues and many other concerns facing teens.