Magnus Health Notifications

As you are completing your Magnus Health requirements (or tasks), you will see different icons or messages as the forms you've completed are reviewed and approved by GMS staff. And when new requirements are added, you'll be able to recognize those by their icons as well.  

To Do

If you see any of the following icons, it means that you need to complete the task, answer the associated question, or sign the associated form. When new requirements are added, they will be at the top of your list and will have the "To Do" flag associated with them.

Action Needed

If you see either of the icons below, it means we need you to re-visit, clarify, or finalize some information. When information is “rejected” (sorry, that’s a Magnus term, not ours!), you will receive an email, and you can also see the reason by clicking “More Details.” When both parent/guardian signatures are required, you will see the blue “In Progress” icon; it means that your child’s other parent/guardian needs to log in to sign that document.

Awaiting GMS Review

When you see the yellow triangle icon below, it means that GMS staff need to review and approve the documents. You will see this icon associated with the Vital Health Record, Immunization Submission Form, TB Risk Assessment Form, Prescription and OTC Medication Form, or any of the medical action plans for diabetes, asthma, food allergies, etc. GMS staff begin reviewing these documents as soon as the school year ends, but it usually takes all summer to finalize them.

All Done!

And if you see the icon below or no additional notation, it means you’re all done with that requirement. Yay!