Oppression in Sudan


One of the greatest civil rights violations at this time has been occuring in Sudan where the Moslem north has used every means possible to destroy and/or enslave the Christian south.


The war between the Christians and Muslims of Sudan has resulted in the destruction of most social and economic infrastructures, the collapse of education and heath services. The children are growing wild without proper education. The rate of mortality is very high due to the lack of proper health services.

The war is not a civil nor a political war, it is religious war between Christians and Muslims. Christians are resisting what, in effect, is genocide, Arabization and Islamization. The Muslims are determined to impose the Islamic religion upon the Christians and to turn Sudan into an Arabic state. This cause has been supported by Islamic countries like Iran.

As most of you should have been hearing over the media, Sudan has become the centre to train terrorists, it has been now included on the list of terrorist supporting countries. Those who want to know more about the Sudan let them turn to the Biblical verses: Ps. 87:4, Numbers 12:1 (Moses wife was Sudanese), Isa. 18: talks about the suffering people of the Sudan - to mention a few.

For the cause of our Faith in Christ we have been persecuted. Many have been killed, tortured and even starved to death. Despite all these atrocities we as Christians do stand firm in our Faith, knowing that Jesus Christ honours faithfulness and is fighting with us.

I am therefore appealing to the outside world to pay attention to what is going on in Sudan: Christians, Brothers and Sisters, please do come and rescue your brothers and sisters from the mouth of the lion, before we are finished The slogan of the Islamicists is "we want only the land not the people". They termed us as infidels - but we love God.

With Thanks,

Rev. Kenneth Baringwa, Bishop's Commissar, Diocese of Mundri, Episcopal Church, New Sudan


The centre of Islamic fundamentalism is in the Sudan, from where it extends into Africa. The Islamic fundamentalists say: 'The Christian era is ended, and the year 2 000 is the beginning of the Islamic eras The Arab Islamic penetration in Sudan is seen by us Africans in Sudan not as a spiritual development, but as conquest' and complete colonization, aiming at a total assimilation, using every means of war, terror, torture and famine. The Black African race in Sudan is threatened An Arab minority in the Sudan wants to assimilate the Africans to des troy African traditions, belief and way of life. And to do this by force. The Arab language has been imposed on the Africans against their will as a vehicle of Islamization and of creating an Islamic State. The struggling people of Sudan have been suffering not thirty-eight years, but over a century with no-one to liberate them. We count on your prayers and your support in helping us to have true freedom and peace with justice.

Bishop Paride Taban


The pictures and text are from Peter Hammond, Faith Under Fire in Sudan, (Newlands, South Africa: Frontline Fellowship, 1996). For additional information, see Frontline Fellowship