
Classical Greece and Rome

(HIST 410), Autumn 2017

'Such is the unity of history that anyone

who endeavours to tell a piece must feel that

his first sentence tears a seamless web'


Pont du Gard

@c. corning

Dr. Caitlin Corning

Phone: 503-554-2673

Office: Center Street House # 5

Office hours: 10:30 am-12:00pm, (MWF); 2-3pm (MW), 10-11am (T/TH)

Course Description

This class is a survey of Classical Greek and Roman civilization from the Minoan civilization (1700 BCE) to the late Roman Empire (5th century CE). The course will provide the student with knowledge of not only political events, but will also explore issues of economics, culture, society, literature and art. Through papers and assignments students will have the opportunity to do more in-depth study of specific areas in which they are interested.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course students should:

1. have a basic understanding of the history and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.

2. better comprehend the challenges and difficulties facing the historian in attempting to piece together this very complex period of history.

3. have improved their academic skills in the areas of critical analysis, writing, oral communication.

Career Skills

1. Analyzing complex documents and understanding multiple viewpoints

2. Recognizing bias and assumptions

3. Critically and creatively using resources to construct narratives and analyses

4. Organizing material and presenting this in both written and oral formats

Required Texts

~Price, The Birth of Classical Europe, Viking/Penguin, 2011 (ISBN: 978-0143120452)

~Reeve, The Trials of Socrates, Hackett Publishing, 2002 (ISBN: 9780872205895)

Optional Texts (choose one)

~Sophocles, Theban Plays, Hackett Publishing, 2003 (ISBN: 978-0872205857)

~Aristophanes, Lysistrata, Hackett Publishing, 2003 (ISBN: 978-0872206038)


Late Policy

~If an absence is not excused, late work is penalized 10% per day.

~In class work/assignments: If an absence is not excused, these assignments cannot be made up

Please note that this university has a no tolerance policy regarding cheating and plagiarism. Use of another person's exact words without quote marks and/or reference is plagiarism, as is restating another person's ideas but not providing a reference to indicate that it is not your own. If you have any questions, see your Student Handbook, or talk to me.

If you have specific physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities and require accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office as early as possible so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide current documentation of your disability to Disability Services. For more information, contact Rick Muthiah, Director of Disability Services (ext. 2314 or rmuthiah@georgefox.edu), or go to ds.georgefox.edu for more information.

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides all students with free writing consultation, general tutoring, academic coaching, and learning strategies (e.g., techniques to improve reading, note-taking, study, time management). The ARC hours of operation are from 1:00-10:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 12:00-4:00 p.m. on Friday. Call ext. 2327 or email the_arc@georgefox.edu to schedule an appointment. Visit arc.georgefox.edu for information about ARC Consultants areas of study, instructions for scheduling an appointment, and helpful learning tools.