Google Mail

Google Mail How to Video

This video will teach you how to check your email, compose a message to your teacher, stay organized by deleting emails and making categories.

Good and Bad Examples of Emails to teachers.

Example Impolite Email

Subject line: [no subject]

The review that we had one week ago regarding my assignment grades resulted in an A. However, you put the wrong grade on Classroom. It should be an A. Thank you.

Example Polite Email

Subject line: ENG 111: Assignment 2 Grade

Dear Dr. Jones:

When our Assignment 2 essays were returned in class last week, I had received an A according to the grading rubric. However, I noticed today that the Assignment 2 grade listed in Classroom is a B+. I just wanted to confirm which grade I received. If my grade was an A, could you update this information on Classroom for me?

Thank you for your time and any clarification you can provide.


John Smith