Pre-Season Information - Summer

You were born to run. Maybe not that fast, maybe not that far, maybe not as efficiently as others. But to get up and move, to fire up that entire energy-producing, oxygen-delivering, bone-strengthening process we call running. 

~ Florence Griffith-Joyner

The base you build up over the summer on training runs, 

conditions your body to be ready for the first day of Cross Country practice! 

Always be sure to do active stretches before (see link)  each run.  Here is a video too!  Stretching should give you the feeling of slight discomfort in the muscle, but not to the point that you feel a sharp or intense discomfort.  

Then start your warm-up with a 5-10 minute walk or slow jog.  A warm-up prepares your body for exercise by gradually increasing your blood flow and raising your core body temperature.  The warm-up does not count towards your training miles.

Start with interval runs using the 50/50 Rule:  Run 2 Minutes > Walk 2 Minutes then progress to more running.  

Example:  Run 4 minutes > Walk 3 minutes > Run 5 minutes > Walk 2 minutes; etc.

Never walk more than you run, and any walking should end after week 3.

Some of the distances can be broken in two.  For example, a 4-mile run could be 2 miles in the morning and 2 miles in the evening.

After your training run, cool down with a 5-10 minute walk or slow jog.  A cool-down keeps your body from stopping abruptly, thus helping to prevent leg cramps, nausea, and dizziness.    The cool-down does not count towards your training miles.

Finish up with stretching (see link) (see link).

You don't have to do your runs on specific days; it's summer, and hey we know life is busy.  Run on grass and/or trails whenever possible.  It is better to take a rest day or do cross-training on the days off.  Cross-training (see link) and strength training (see link) will make you a stronger and healthier runner.  Try walking, biking, swimming or strength training on your off days.

Summer Training Schedule Examples



Check out these locations for training runs over the summer.

Trail Link