23-24 Trainings for Staff

Experience Dyslexia®       

                      A Learning Disabilities Simulation

We are SO excited to be able to offer this opportunity this year for all staff new to GCISD and any staff members that haven't been able to attend in the past.

Through this opportunity, teachers and staff will gain knowledge and understanding of what dyslexia is and the characteristics of dyslexia by grade level. Participants will participate in several hands-on activities that simulate what a student with dyslexia experience on a daily basis as they attempt to read, write, and learn throughout the day. This is a district requirement of all new GCISD staff (who work directly with students) or those that haven't attended the simulation in the past.  This learning experience continues the work towards meeting the needs of all students as a district.

Tuesday 9/26 4:15-5:30 

Monday 10/2 3:45-5:00

Thursday 10/5 4:15-5:30

Monday 10/16 3:45-5:00