
Reading Apps

  1. Sight Words
  2. iBooks (Settings > Accessibility > Voice Over - reads everything displayed on the screen)
  3. Read2Go
  4. See Read Say
  5. Phonics Tic-Tac-Toe
  6. Balloony Word
  7. FunDog
  8. ABC Magic Reading
  9. Dream Voice Lite

Spelling Apps

  1. This Week's Word Lite ($3.99 for full version)
  2. Speller
  3. Hangman
  4. Scrabble Blast
  5. Cimo Can Spell Lite
  6. Play Smart - Kids
  7. Spelling Worm
  8. Doogle Guess
  9. Dragon Dictation

Fluency Apps

  1. Microphone (great for hearing yourself read)
  2. Time Reading Lite (leveled passages you read aloud and time yourself)

Vocabulary Apps

  1. Word Ladder
  2. Vocabulary Builder
  3. Quizlet (Make flashcards to study vocabulary)

Grammar Apps

  1. Grammar Jammers
  2. Grammar Dragon
  3. Mad Libs

Handwriting Apps

  1. ABC Cursive Writing
  2. Handwriting