Tutoring ReferENCE List

Please contact Mrs. Garwacki at 469-633-2604 or www.garwackL@friscoisd.org if you wish to obtain a current private tutoring list.

Frisco ISD does not advocate or recommend a specific agency, program or service.

This information is supplied as a reference if you choose to use it.

The list of private tutors furnished to you by Frisco Independent School District includes persons who are believed to furnish tutoring services to students. This list is furnished as a courtesy, and is not a complete or comprehensive list of tutors. The District does not endorse or recommend any private tutor, and no employee of the District is authorized to make any such endorsement or recommendation. The district has not investigated the background, qualifications, licensing status, criminal record status, abilities, fees charged, or results achieved by any tutor on this list. The District does not make any representation that any person on this list is competent or qualified, nor does the District make any representation that any person NOT on this list is NOT competent or qualified. BEFORE HIRING ANY PRIVATE TUTOR, YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE AND SATISFY YOURSELF IN ALL PARTICULARS CONCERNING SUCH PERSON. FURNISHING THIS LIST DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REFERRAL OF THE STUDENT BY THE DISTRICT TO ANY TUTOR.