Counselor Favorites

Mrs. Garwacki

Birthday 1/12

Favorite candy, treats and snacks:  Flammin' Hot - Cheetos-Popcorn, Popcorn- skinny or plain, Chips and salsa (guacamole), Bakeits- PorkRines  - Hot flavor or queso flavor, Parmesan Goldfish, Fruit (red grapes, strawberries, blueberries), Blueberry covered chocolates, Acai-Pomegranate covered chocolates,  vanilla type desserts

Favorite Restaurants:  Chuy’s, La Hacienda, Salsa's, Chili’s, Pei Wei, Wingstop, II Brothers

Favorite Scents:   Vanilla-Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus-Spearmint, Vanilla-Lavender, any vanilla infused scent

Favorite Hobbies: Diamond Art, Adult Coloring (collecting sharpies - thin and thick as well as papermate flair pens), reading, working out - walking and yoga

Favorite collections, things to do:  mani/pedi, foot reflexology massages

Favorite Magazines: Woman’s World Circle

Favorite Flowers:  bamboo plants, Carnations, roses, 

Favorite Drinks:   Chai Latté - sugar free if possible, Sugar free vanilla coffee with heavy cream, Unsweet Iced Tea (Sonic), If possible sugar free drinks

Favorite Places to Shop:   Hobby Lobby, Target, 

Favorite Lunch:  Chick-fil-a – hot wing and ranch sauce, Taco Bell – bean burrito, Chili's - Quesadilla Explosion Salad, Wingstop - original sauce with ranch / Salsa/  anything chips and salsa/guacamole