
School Nurse's Office

Lisa Modafferi, RN BSN


Phone: (973) 383-4151, X 1005

Fax: (973) 383-4151( To Nurses Office)

Fax: (973) 383-3644- (To Main Office)

10/14/21-Annual health screenings will begin in the next few weeks. Screenings include, height, weight, B/P, vision, hearing and scoliosis for 5th graders. Please send in a note if you would like to defer these screenings to your child's health care provider.

COVID-19 Resources

NJ State Hotline

Call: 211

Call: (24/7) 1-800-962-1253

Visit: https://covid19.nj.gov/ or nj.gov/health


To Obtain Health Insurance in NJ:



All students will need to be signed out from the Fredon.org home page. Pick up of ill students will be at the bell in the front of the building. Once you have arrived at the school, sign your student out and then notify the main office.

Medication Policy-For the nurse to administer any medication, prescription or non-prescription, a written request from the doctor and a parent is required. All medications to be administered at school must be in their original labeled bottles. An adult must transport the medication to and from school. Paperwork is available on my Forms page.

Reporting Absences- to report the absence of your child, please send an email to attendance@fredon.org.

Please leave your child's name, homeroom and nature of the illness.

All children must be accounted for each school day.

The health of our students is very important.

- Hand washing is our best means of preventing the spread of germs.

-Coughing and sneezing into your elbow/arm or tissue is recommended.

-Please do not send your child to school if they are experiencing symptoms of illness or have a temperature >100F.

-Medicating your child for a fever and then sending him/her to school is never a good idea.

- Students with a temperature of 100F or greater should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.