Other Resources & Health Information

Resources for Families In-Need

Florham Park Education Foundation: Community Care Program

If your family is in financial need of essential supplies, please visit the Florham Park Education Foundation's webpage for more information on how to apply. 

Temporary, Emergency, and/or General Assistance for Needy Families

Health Insurance

If you and your family are ineligible for NJ FamilyCare, please click here to find out more information on additional affordable health insurance programs. 

Health Resources

Concussions & Head Injury Information: 

Check out the CDC's Concussion Fact Sheet for more information. If your child recently had a head injury and/or is experiencing symptoms of a concussion, please seek medical help immediately. 

Eye injury

Fact Sheet for Parents: Sports-Related Eye Injuries in Youth offers more details about eye injuries, possible signs & symptoms, and what to do.

Pediculosis (Head Lice): 

Click on below resources for information about how to identify head lice and nits and be proactive in eliminating them. Contact your school nurse, physician, or local pharmacist for more information.


MyPlate.gov provides nutritional information so your child can develop healthy food habits to make healthy food choices.


Please see the link for the CDC's fact sheet on meningitis disease

Oral Hygiene and Dental Injuries

Check out KidsHealth.org for more information regarding dental health and injuries. 

Sudden Cardiac Death

The Basic Facts on Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes offers more information from the NJDOH and American Academy of Pediatrics.