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Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Part 1: Warm up

Date: Wednesday, March 25th 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Daily Warm up- review of previously learned skills

Outcome: I can read and use sight words in a sentence. I can add prefixes to root words. I understand that fractions are wholes partitioned into equal pieces. I can attend to important information within a word problem and solve.

Time frame: 15 minutes


*Students have been doing this everyday for the entire year, they understand the process and how to do the activities. I will explain the parts in detail for the first few lessons, but once we do it a few times, I don’t think elaborate explanations will be needed.

-->Students will work through their warm up page beginning with the top portion which is a Language practice.

- Please go to daily warm up number 46.

-First, they will need to use the word bank to fill in the blanks.

-Next, they will see the sentence “We can’t go to Mateo’s baseball game.” In this section students can write about any element of the sentence that stands out. For example, they may write that the name ‘Mateo’ is a capital because it is a proper noun. Or they might notice that the sentence begins with a capital, or that the word ‘baseball’ is an adjective. All correct answers are accepted.

-Lastly in this language part of the warm up, students are asked to use the prefix ‘re’ and add it to one of the bold words in the sentence. For example, instead of saying ‘write it again’ students will fill in the blank with the word ‘rewrite’.

-->The bottom portion is Math focused.

-First students will need to fill in the blanks in relation to the fraction depicted.

-Below there is a word problem. Students will have to pull out the important information and draw a picture (the visual is very important). Then, they can try different ways of sharing until they realize that each of the 4 children can have 2 and a half cheese sticks each.

-The t-shirt question requires students to finish drawing the stars on the shirts and then add them up (this can be done by counting individually, skip counting, or multiplying (which has not yet been formally taught.)

-The last word problem requires students to determine whether or not they are adding or subtracting and then to solve accordingly.

Resources: Daily Warm Up booklet (white book with yellow binding)- page 46

Part 2: L.A Lesson

Date: Wednesday, March 25th 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables: The Crow and the Pitcher

Outcome: I can locate answers to questions and extract appropriate and significant information from printed texts. I can identify and correctly use subject–verb agreement.

Time frame: 45 minutes


-Students will read the fable The Crow and the Pitcher. They may need help with this, so having your child read the fable out loud will allow you to jump in where they may need assistance with a word. You may also choose to take turns reading to each other.

-Talk to your child about what happened in the fable. They should be able to retell you the events of what took place from beginning to end.

-Flip to the questions on the next page. Students will write down the answers in complete sentences. This means that the answer is a complete thought and includes a capital and punctuation.

-Students will work through the booklet following the directions in each section.

Resources: The Crow and the Pitcher (orange coloured fable-3 pages stapled)

Supplementary practice for today:

-Students can write in their journal or send me an email on a topic of their choice. Alternatively, you can give them a topic or they can write about what they have been doing since the school has been closed.

-Students can visit Raz-Kids.com or getepic.com (class code: htk6242 and select their name)

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Part 1- Warm up

Date: Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/ Math

Lesson: Daily Warm up- review of previously learned skills

Outcome: I can read and use sight words in a sentence. I can add prefixes to root words. I understand that fractions are wholes partitioned into equal pieces. I can attend to important information within a word problem and solve.

Time frame: 15 minutes


-->Students will work through their warm up page beginning with the top portion which is a Language practice.

- Please go to daily warm up number 47.

-First, they will need to use apostrophes to show possessive nouns. For example instead of saying “I am going to the house of Grandma.” You would say, “I am going to Grandma’s house.”

-Next, they will see the sentence “We can’t go to Mateo’s baseball game.” (The same sentence as yesterday.) They will circle the person and put a box around what belongs to them.

-Lastly in this language part of the warm up, students are asked to choose the strongest word to complete the sentence. They will check it off.

-->For the math portion:

-First students will use the information from the graph to complete the questions.

-Below that, students are asked to skip count by 25. (Try to relate this to money, how we would count quarters.) Then they switch to counting by 10 and then lastly they will count by 5s to complete the boxes.

-On the top right, students will work to try and complete the subtraction in their heads. We are practicing our mental math skills. They will work step by step to see if they can do it without writing it down. However, if they are stuck and can’t figure it out, they can try writing it down.

-For the last question showing a shape divided into equal parts, they need to fill in the blank with the number of pieces within the shape (Three fifths is made with _5_ parts that are each one fifth size.)

Resources: Daily Warm Up booklet (white book with yellow binding)- page 47

Part 2- Math Lesson

Date: Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Investigating Equal Groups

Outcome: I can show that I understand multiplication by drawing, showing and explaining multiplication using equal grouping.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Please watch the video I have attached of myself explaining the concept. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1178oqdJeQ&t=14s)

Equal groups have the same number of things in each group. When you have equal groups, you can multiply to find how many altogether (Multiplication).

OO OO OO = equal group (3 equal groups of OO)

OO O OOOO =not an equal group

You can use skip counting or repeated addition to help you count the groups.

OOOO OOOO OOOO = 12 O’s altogether

4 + 4 + 4 = 12

Videos to explain the concept:



Hands on activity challenge: Looking around your house, find an example to show equal grouping. For example: you could put 5 cheerios in 3 bowls. Q: How many groups do you have? A: 3 Q: How many in each group? A: 5 Q: How many all together? A: 15

Take a picture of your example and send it to me in an email!

Practice concept in Workbooks:

Multiplication & Division Booklet For the Most Amazing Grade Three’s Ever (bright blue booklet) p. 1, 2, and 3.

Technology concept Practice:

Step 1: Please type in the search bar: “Math 3 Under the Sea” (click to allow adobe flash).

Step 2: type in your name and the name of your fish, watch intro or skip (your choice).

Step 3: click on “multiplication”

Step 4: Click on “Equal and unequal groups”, complete all the activities!

Step 5: Click on “Repeated Addition Sentences”, complete all the activities!

Step 6: Click on “ Multiplication Sentences”, complete all the activities!




  • Multiplication & Division Booklet For the Most Amazing Grade Three’s Ever (bright blue booklet) p. 1, 2, and 3.

  • Math 3 Under the Sea - Learn Alberta math website for grade three.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Mathletics - please log onto Mathletics and spend some time completing the assigned multiplication activities

  • Gather little toys, candy, or cereal, and create groups to practice with multiplication.

  • Practice skip counting- This will help you become quicker at multiplication.

Friday, March 27th, 2020

Part 1- Warm up

Date: Friday, March 27th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/ Math

Lesson: Daily Warm up- review of previously learned skills

Outcome: I can use spelling patterns to write words. I can form and use possessives. I can use prefixes effectively. I can tell and write time to the quarter hour. I can represent numbers on a number line showing multiples of ten. I can attend to important information within a word problem and solve.

Time frame: 15 minutes


-->Students will work through their warm up page beginning with the top portion which is a Language practice.

- Please go to daily warm up number 48.

-First, students will add appropriate endings to finish given words.

-Next, they will see the sentence “i dont want to go to jennys house’ They will need to add in the correct capitalization and punctuation.

-Lastly in this language part of the warm up, students are asked to add the prefix ‘re’ to all of the words in the box. If once added together, a real word is created, it goes in the left hand side. If it is not a real word, it goes on the right hand side.

-->For the math portion:

-First students will match the clock to the appropriate digit time by drawing a line.

-Below that, students are asked to fill in the blanks with ‘the ten’ that comes before and after that number. For example: 90 95 100

-On the top right, students must separate the rings into 6 groups. Then fill in how many rings are in each group (this is an into to division).

-For the last question showing a shape divided into equal parts, they need to fill in the blank with the number of pieces within the shape (Two-halves is made with _2_ parts that are each one half size.)

Resources: Daily Warm Up booklet (white book with yellow binding)- page 48

Part 2- Math Lesson

Date: Friday, March 27th, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Investigating Equal Groups- Drawing pictures

Outcome: I can show that I understand multiplication by drawing, showing and explaining multiplication using equal grouping.

Time frame: 30 minutes


*Please watch the video I have attached of myself explaining the concept. https://youtu.be/rcDIEdMtm8I

This is a continuation of the last lesson taught. This time instead of reading the pictures to complete a number sentence, they will be creating the pictures to go along with a number sentence.

For example:

If I give you the number sentence 4 x 5= _20_

You could draw:


Practice concept in Workbooks:

Multiplication & Division Booklet For the Most Amazing Grade Three’s Ever (bright blue booklet) p. 4 and 5.

Technology concept Practice:

Can continue with math3underthesea.com from yesterday.


  • Mrs. Moore’s video

  • Youtube videos

(same examples from yesterday as it is a continuation of the same concept)



  • Multiplication & Division Booklet For the Most Amazing Grade Three’s Ever (bright blue booklet) p. 4 and 5

  • Math 3 Under the Sea - Learn Alberta math website for grade three.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Mathletics - please log onto Mathletics and spend some time completing the assigned multiplication activities

  • Have a family member write down a multiplication sentence and recreate the groups with little objects (toys, candy, cereal, etc)

  • Practice skip counting- This will help you become quicker at multiplication.

Part 3- Religion Lesson

Date: Friday, March 27th, 2020

Subject: Religion

Lesson: Lent- Holy Week

Outcome: Students can explain the significance of Holy week and each of its parts.

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Read through the following information, then turn to page 4 in your Lent and Easter Booklet. See if you can connect each special day to its definition.

Holy Week is the last week of the 40 days of Lent. It is the week right before Easter Sunday. It starts with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday. Many Christians celebrate Holy Week to commemorate the final days of Jesus.

Palm Sunday: When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on his donkey, there were many followers who wanted to see him. People crowded around him and called his name. Many called out “King” or “Savior.”

Holy Thursday: The Last Supper was on this day. Jesus sat down to eat with 12 other people. Those people were the disciples. He told the disciples that it was more important to serve someone else than to be served. He lovingly washed the feet of his disciples. After the meal was over, Jesus wanted to be alone to pray. Guards appeared a short time later and he was arrested.

Good Friday: Jesus was forced to drag a huge cross up a hill all by himself. He had a crown on his head made of a branch of thorns. He was nailed to the cross by his hands and feet.

Holy Saturday: After Jesus died, he was put in a tomb. The tomb was like a cave. The guards rolled a big rock in front of the opening to make sure that no one could get in or out.

Easter Vigil: is the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.

Resources: My Lent and Easter Book (white booklet 2 stapled) Page 4

Supplementary practice for today:

Youtube videos explaining the Easter story:



Physical Education video:


Monday, March 30th, 2020

Part 1

Date: Monday, March 30th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes


Please complete page 49 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section (as I’ve said, these are very familiar to all students).

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 49

Part 2

Date: Monday, March 30th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- page 64 (Last one in the green duotang)

Outcome: I can spell words with the vowel sound in small, straw, song, and bought. I can spell words with the short u sound spelled ough. I can add the endings -er and -est.

Time frame: 45 minutes


We complete this spelling book every week, so students have a good idea of what they need to do. We are carrying on with the last lesson in this duotang (next week we will be starting the new package which we will need to put into the duotang.) Please follow the directions in each heading to complete all of the 4 pages.

Resources: Green spelling duotang page 64 (last lesson in the dutang)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Don’t forget your capitals and periods!

  • Throughout the week, you can have a little practice spelling test. If you wish, you may try a real spelling test on Friday (given by a parent).

  • Visit Raz-Kids or Epic!

  • Melting Yoga Video

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Part 1

Date: Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 50 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 50

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Arrays

Outcome: I can make and use arrays to solve multiplication equations.

Time frame: 35 minutes

Description: Please see my youtube video here on arrays before beginning.

An array is an arrangement of objects in equal rows.

X X X X This is a 4 by 3 array

X X X X There are 4 rows with 3 counters in each row


X X X X 4 X 3= 12

We always multiply the number going down by the number going across.

How many going down X How many going across = Total number


Please open your blue Multiplication and Division booklet and turn to page 9. On this page you will need to write the equation (or number sentence) that goes with each array.

On page 10, you will need to create the array that goes with each number sentence. Please make sure you are nice and neat because arrays need to be perfectly straight and lined up.

On page 11, you have more practice drawing arrays and creating number sentences.


  • Mrs. Moore’s “Arrays” video click here

  • Blue Multiplication and Division booklet page 9, 10 and 11.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Send Mrs. Nyeste a happy birthday email! shaunna.nyeste@fmcsd.ab.ca

  • Head to mathletics and practice the assigned lessons.

  • Create arrays with household items like cereal, crayons, or candies and make note of the equations that go along with them.

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Good morning!

Here if our lesson for Wednesday, April 1st.

Part 1: Warm up

Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Daily Warm up Day 8

Outcome: A variety of Literacy and Math skills.

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 51 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up booklet page 51

Part 2: L.A Lesson

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Outcome: I can locate answers to questions and extract appropriate and significant information from printed texts. I can add a prefix to the beginning of a word and demonstrate understanding of the word by using it correctly in a sentence. I can identify words that are synonyms and words that are antonyms. I can select the correct spelling of a homophone based on the context given by the sentence.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will read the fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf. (Yellow colored fable - 3 pages stapled). They may need help with this, so having your child read the fable out loud will allow you to jump in where they may need assistance with a word. You may also choose to take turns reading to each other.

- Underline and discuss the meaning of key vocabulary in the fable. (tending, meadow, wander, fool the villagers, naughty, ignored)

-Talk to your child about what happened in the fable. They should be able to retell you the events of what took place from beginning to end.

- Watch this animated version of the fable: The Boy who Cried Wolf

-Flip to the questions on the next page. Students will write down the answers in complete sentences. This means that the answer is a complete thought and includes a capital and proper punctuation. We just began working on answering questions in a complete sentence. Some may need you to check if it is a complete sentence for them or guide them on how to make it a complete sentence.

-Students will work through the booklet following the directions in each section.

*remind students to take their time to print neatly :)


The Boy Who Cried Wolf (YELLOW coloured fable-3 pages stapled)

Videos of fable: The Boy who Cried Wolf

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Students can write in their journal or send me an email on the topic: “Write a letter to the shepherd boy explaining to him, why he should not tell lies anymore”.

They can start with:

Dear Shepherd Boy,

I heard what happened to your sheep. I think that you ….

  • Students can visit Raz-Kids.com and try to record a reading for me to listen to. If they do not have the speaker option to do so, just read and take the quiz and I can see their results on my end.

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Part 1

Date: Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 52 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 52

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Repeated addition

Outcome: I use repeated addition to do multiplication

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Please see Mrs. Moore’s repeated addition explanation video here.

Then, in your blue Multiplication and Division Workbook:

Use a repeated addition to explain the multiplication sentences on page 12.

Then, on page 13- you start the same way.

The second half of the page is doing the opposite:

For example:

3 + 3 + 3 + 3= ____

Count your groups (how many 3's do you have?) (4)

How many in each group? (3)

4 X 3 = 12


Mrs. Moore's “repeated addition” video

Blue Multiplication and Division booklet page 12, 13


Supplementary practice for today:

· With household objects(candies, cheerios, pencils) put them on a sheet of paper and write a repeated addition and multiplication sentence.

· Practice your multiplication facts with your flash cards (either printed out or homemade)

· View Mrs. Nyeste’s Multiplication Flash Card video to learn how to make your own practice cards.

· Practice your multiplication facts with these

Printable PDF Flashcards

Things to try with the cards:

Pull out a card - draw it using groups

Pull out a card - show it by making groups with small items/toys

Pull out a card - draw it using arrays

Pull out a card - show it by making an array with small items.

Pull out a card - use mental math to skip count to find the answer

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

There will be no regular warm up assigned on Fridays. It would be good practice to give your child a spelling test before starting our regular lesson on Friday mornings. To do this, your child can take their red spelling test booklet and write down the numbers from 1-15 along the margin. I always said the word, used it in a sentence, and then said it again :)

Part 1

Date: Friday, April 3rd

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: The Boy Who Cried Wolf continued

Outcome: I can retell a short story with organized details

Time frame: 30 minutes

Description: On Wednesday we worked with The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Today, I would like students to do a retell of this fable. Using this card stock template I sent home:

This means, I would like them to write down the story from the beginning to the end based on what they remember. Please do not copy the actual story. Just write down whatever details you can remember, as if you were telling the story to someone who has never heard it before. Then you can draw a picture of a scene from the fable. If you would like to, you can send me a picture of your completed retell through email.


  • The Boy who Cried Wolf yellow fable.

  • White lined cardstock with the sheep at the top.

Supplementary practice for today:

Part 2

Subject: Religion

Lesson: All about Lent

Outcome: I can explain the significance of Lent.

Time frame: 30 minutes

Description: Read through the information bulletin below with your child. Have them share their “All About Lent” mini book with you if they can find it in their “completed work” bag I sent home.

Watch the following video about Lent

In their journal, have your child write a PRAYER.

They can start with:


Encourage them to write their feelings or thoughts.

They can write things they are thankful for.

They can write about things they need God to help them with.

They can ask for prayers or blessings for others who may need it.

They can tell God their hopes and dreams for the future.


(5 sentences minimum)


  • Blue Journal

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In their journals, have your child draw a picture of a butterfly as it represents the new life and transformation that occurs during Lent.

Monday, April 6th

Part 1

Date: Monday, April 6th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 53 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 53

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 14 (page 72)

Outcome: I can spell words with the vowel sounds in push and do.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.72-75). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.


New spelling package (begins with ‘week 14’ page 72)

You can take the completed spelling package out of the green duotang and pop this one inside.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Don’t forget your capitals and periods! Underline your descriptive words.

  • Before the break we began cursive (hand) writing. I will not be assigning letters, but you can work through them at your own pace. A good tip is to finish all the lowercase letters before starting the capitals. Once you have enough letters, you can start to practice simple words (and eventually sentences) in your journal.

  • Throughout the week, you can have a little practice spelling test. If you wish, you may try a real spelling test on Friday (given by a parent).

  • Visit Raz-Kids or Epic!

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which I will keep putting up on the website.

Tuesday, April 7th

Part 1

Date: Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 54 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 54

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Concept practice (no new ideas)

Outcome: I can solve multiplication problems using a variety of methods

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: This is a lesson to allow for the practice of concepts taught. We will be completing pages in our blue Multiplication and Division booklets.

Page 6: Please draw an array and a repeated addition sentence to go with each multiplication question.

Page 7: Watch this video on related facts by Mrs. Moore. Then, work to complete the missing section for each multiplication sentence.

Page 8: Grouping and Array practice. Please draw groups and an array to go with each equation.

Page 14: Create multiplication sentences from the grouping pictures shown.

Resources: Mrs. Moore’s related facts video

Blue Multiplication and Division booklets pages 6, 7, 8, and 14.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Complete page 15 in your blue booklet. See how many you can do mentally (in your head without pictures or fingers!)

  • Practice your facts with your multiplication flash cards.

  • Check out MathThreeUnderTheSea and do some multiplication practice. (You can try groups, repeated addition, multiplication sentences, and arrays)

  • Have someone ask you facts (up to 5X5) and see how quickly you can answer them.

Wednesday, April 8th

Part 1

Date: Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 55 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 55

Part 2

Date: Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables: The Ant and the Grasshopper

Outcome: I can add a suffix to a word. I can identify the number of syllables in a word. I can explain relationships among words and concepts associated with topics of study. I can experiment with words and word meanings to produce a variety of effects.

Time frame: 45 minutes


There are three key pieces that make a Fable. Don’t forget: They are short, they are (usually) about animals, and they teach a lesson.

-The animals fables are 'personified' this means they are given human characteristics. Like how the ant and the grasshopper are talking with each other. Sometimes we see animals cooking, laughing, working, etc. These are all human characteristics we are pretending the animals are doing.

-Students will read the fable The Ant and the Grasshopper. (light blue colored fable - 3 pages stapled). They may need help with this, so having your child read the fable out loud will allow you to jump in where they may need assistance with a word. You may also choose to take turns reading to each other.

- Underline and discuss the meaning of key vocabulary in the fable. (bright, store, insects, plenty, field, save, summer, busy, warm, winter)

-Talk to your child about what happened in the fable. They should be able to retell you the events of what took place from beginning to end.

- Watch the animated version of the fable by clicking here.

-Flip to the questions on the next page. Students will write down the answers in complete sentences. This means that the answer is a complete thought and includes a capital and proper punctuation.

-Students will work through the booklet following the directions in each section. Please remind students to take their time to print neatly.


Step 4: (Optional)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal or on Google Classroom write about a time when you had to work really hard to complete or accomplish something. (Maybe studying for a test, or practicing for a sport, learning something new like reading etc.) The sentence starter could be:

Just like the lesson in The Ant and the Grasshopper, I am going to explain to you this one time I had to work very hard to accomplish something…

  • Watch this Grasshopper and the Ant video

  • In your journal try to draw a grasshopper using this video. You can write adjectives to describe the grasshopper all around your picture.

  • Listen to the Grasshopper and the Ant audio book

Thursday, April 9th

Part 1- Spelling Test (15 minutes)

As this is the last day of the week, we will not be doing a warm up. Please give your child a spelling test on this week’s word list.

Part 2- Math Lesson

Date: Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Subject: Math - Multiplication

Lesson: Review and practice of multiplication skills and strategies

Outcome: I can show that I understand multiplication by solving equations using a strategy that I choose.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Please watch this video showing tips and tricks for multiplication using mental math

Practice concept in Workbooks:

Multiplication & Division Booklet For the Most Amazing Grade Three’s Ever (bright blue booklet) p. 23, 25, 27

Pgs. 22, 24, 26, 28 are additional practice pages you can complete over Easter break if you wish (1 every other day maybe)

Technology concept Practice:

If you haven’t already completed the activities on the these websites, please visit them and give them a try:

Math 3 Under The Sea (Click on the topic of “Multiplication”)

Mathletics (complete all assigned tasks from me)

BrainPOP Jr. (Go to ‘Math’ and click “multiplication”)


  • Mrs. Moore’s youtube video

  • Multiplication & Division Booklet For the Most Amazing Grade Three’s Ever (bright blue booklet) pgs.

  • Math 3 Under the Sea - Learn Alberta math website for grade three.

  • Mathletics.com

  • Brainpop junior website

Supplementary practice for today. This is extra practice if you want it.

  • Practice multiplication FLASH CARDS (up to 5x5)

  • Log into Mathletics.com and do “live” and switch the setting from addition to multiplication facts

  • Gather little toys, candy, or cereal, and create groups to practice with multiplication.

  • NUMBER OF THE DAY - use the booklet titled # of the day. Open to the second page and put a 3 digit number in the cloud at the top. Use that number to answer all the questions (ex. # 345, 1 more = 346, 1 less = 344, 10 more = 355, 10 less =335, 100 more = 445, 100 less =245, draw base 10 blocks, expanded form, etc)

  • Review 3 digit addition and subtraction so not to lose those skills. They can write these in the new workbook and date their page. Here are some to try, add more problems if you wish:

456 846 588 820

+231 + 427 - 145 - 258

Monday, April 20th

Part 1

Date: Monday, April 20th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 56 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 56

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 15 (page 76-79)


I can spell words with -oy and -oi.

I can spell words with the initial digraph ch.

I can add the endings -s, -es, -ed, and -ing.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.76-79). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using page 76 on)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Underline the verbs (action words like playing, working, jumping, etc.)

  • Work on a handwriting letter of your choice.

  • Throughout the week, you can have a little practice spelling test. If you wish, you may try a real spelling test on Friday (given by a parent).

  • New Seesaw assignments on the website

  • Visit Raz-Kids or Epic!

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website.

Tuesday, April 21st

Part 1

Date: Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 57 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 57

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Division as GROUPING

Outcome: I can solve division equations by grouping.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Before starting, please watch my explanation video.

In your blue Multiplication and Division booklets there are 2 page 17s. Today we will be completing both.

When we see a Division problem like this: 12 ÷ 3 = ___

We are being told there are 12 items and there will be 3 in each group. We are solving to find how many groups we will have.

So, we have:

Total number ÷ How many in each group = Number of groups

You will need to draw pictures to solve the problem. To solve 12÷3=___ I would draw 12 Xs, then circle three at a time. Once there are none left to circle, I count how many groups I made. This will be my answer.

I know that my answer is 4.


Mrs. Moore’s division by grouping video

Blue Multiplication and Division booklets page 17 and 17 (page mixup!)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Grab some tiny toys, candies, or cereal and practice separating them into groups to show division. Take some pictures and share them on Seesaw!

  • Practice division with the assigned Mathletics activities.

  • Continue to practice your multiplication facts (to 5X5) with flash cards or using one of our online resources.

  • Mrs. Nyeste has assigned some great Social Studies activities on Seesaw, go have a look!

Wednesday, April 22nd

Happy Earth Day!

Part 1

Date: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 58 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 58

Part 2

Date: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables: The Sun and The Wind

Outcome: I can answer questions in complete sentences. I can give examples of synonyms. I can use a or an correctly before a noun. I understand the relationship between cause and effect.

Time frame: 45 minutes


-Please read the purple fable booklet titled: The Sun and the Wind.

I encourage your child to read out loud so you can assist with any mistakes they may make while reading.

-Discuss what took place in the fable.

-Underline and talk about the meaning of key vocabulary words in the fable (argument, claimed, contest, strolling, declared, beamed, etc.)

-Watch this video to reinforce what took place

-Once you have a good grasp on what took place in the story, please answer the questions on the following page. I would like students to practice using complete sentences when answering as this is a skill they still need to develop. (For some reason this page got doubled- they do not need to do it twice!)

-Work through the remainder of the booklet following the directions at the beginning of each section.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Check out this Second video

  • In your journal (or on Seesaw) think about this question:

“What if the rain had been included in the contest? Who would win?”

Think about whether or not the sun would remain the winner or if the rain would have an advantage over the other 2.

  • Try drawing a sun with this video or this one which is a bit more tricky! You can post it on Seesaw if you want to show your classmates!

  • Check out these Seesaw Earth Day activities!

  • Here is a video explaining Earth Day

  • Epic! has lots of great Earth Day stories to check out.

Thursday, April 23rd

Part 1

Date: Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 59 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 59

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Division by SHARING

Outcome: I can solve division equations by sharing.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Please watch Mrs. Moore’s division by sharing video.

When we have a division problem such as 21 ÷ 3 = ____

We are being told that there are 21 items and 3 groups. Our job is to figure out how many items will be in each group.

So, we have:

Total number ÷Number of groups = How many in each group

The easiest way to solve division by sharing is to start by drawing how many groups you have.

Step 1: Draw my groups.

Step 2: Give each group one at a time until you run out.

Step 3: Count how many in each group.

So: 21 ÷ 3 = 7

In your blue Multiplication and Division booklets you will be completing pages 16 and 18.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Continue working on the assigned mathletics tasks

  • Go to my webpage and watch the Magic School Bus video on construction if you haven’t already done so.

  • Gather some tiny items like beads or stickers and share them amongst your family. What division sentences can you make?

Friday, April 24th

Part 1:

Warm up today will be your weekly spelling test (15 minutes)

Part 2:

Date: Friday, April 24th

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: The Sun and the Wind Continued

Outcome: I can retell a short story with organized details

Time frame: 30 minutes


On Wednesday we worked with The Sun and the Wind . Today, I would like students to do a retell of this fable (just as we did with The Boy who cried Wolf). Using this card stock template I sent home:

They can reread the fable or watch the video below before beginning.

Remember, a retell is when you write down the story from the beginning to the end based on what you can remember. Just as if you were telling the story to someone who has never heard it before. (Don’t copy the actual story!) Then you can draw a picture of a scene from the fable. If you would like to, you can post your retell on Seesaw or send me an email!


  • The Sun and the Wind purple fable.

  • White lined cardstock with the sun at the top.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Rewatch this video before starting to refresh your memory

Part 3

Subject: Religion

Lesson: Spreading the word of God

Outcome: I can share God’s teachings through my words and actions.

Time frame: 15 minutes


Read The Last Word story with your child.

Ask your child: What can you do to share God’s teachings or to spread kindness and love just as Jesus did? Have a discussion and offer suggestions to your child. Some examples might be: including others to play when they are alone, praying to God, helping someone who needs a hand, working towards a goal, offering a smile to those you pass by. The main goal of this activity is to create a meaningful and honest dialogue with your child.


  • The Last Word story

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Draw a picture in your journal of you spreading the word of God.

  • Follow these steps to create a Division Monster picture:

1. Draw an oval body in the center of your paper.

2. Draw a circular head at the top of the oval.

3. Give your monster 6÷2 arms.

4. Draw 10÷2 fingers on each arm.

5. Add 20÷5 legs.

6. Put 30÷5 toes at the end of each leg.

7. Draw 18÷3 eyes on the head.

8. Add 50÷ 5 pieces of hair to the top of the head.

9. Give your monster 6÷2 ears.

10. Draw one large mouth.

11. Add 9÷3 noses to the face.

12. Color and name your monster!

*I would love to see your monster on seesaw once you have finished!

Monday, April 27th

Part 1

Date: Monday, April 27th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 60 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 60

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 16 (page 80-83)

Outcome: I can spell contractions and understand what they mean. I can recognize the homophones its and it’s.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.80-83). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using page 80-83)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Underline the adjectives (words that describe the people, places, or things.)

For example: You’re the tallest girl in our grade 3 class.

  • Work on a handwriting letter of your choice.

  • Throughout the week, you can have a little practice spelling test. If you wish, you may try a real spelling test on Friday (given by a parent).

  • New Seesaw assignments on the website

  • Visit Raz-Kids or Epic!

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website.

Tuesday, April 28th

Part 1

Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 60 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 60

Part 2

Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Division as Repeated Subtraction

Outcome: I can solve division equations through repeated subtraction

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Before starting, please watch my explanation video

In your blue Multiplication and Division booklets you will be completing pages 20 and 21.

The last strategy we can use to solve a division problem is repeated subtraction. This is where we repeatedly take away from the big number until there are none left, and then count how many times we took away.

It looks like this:

6÷2= ___

So, we will start with 6 and keep taking away 2 until there is nothing left:


1 2 3

I took 2 away 3 times. This means my answer is 3.

6÷2= 3

I find repeated subtraction easiest when we use counters or other hands on manipulatives to guide us. To help you solve the problems on pages 20 and 21, gather some small items like cereal or skittles and see if this is easier. (Just like I did in my video).

-->Please remember, it is my job to teach many different strategies (because we all learn in different ways). However, once you find a strategy that you feel really comfortable with, you can continue to use that (when I am not looking for something specific). I am hoping as we continue to practice, many of these facts will be memorized and you will only need these strategies when you come across a problem you are unsure of.

Also remember that I will make time for anyone who needs help. We can video chat or I can make a video to answer your question. Please do not hesitate to ask for help (working directly with students is the best part of my job)


Mrs. Moore’s repeated subtraction video

Blue Multiplication and Division booklets page 20 and 21

Small counters such as Cheerios, skittles, macaroni, etc.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • BrainPOPjr has a section on repeated subtraction that you can try.

  • Practice division with the assigned Mathletics Activities.

  • Continue to practice your multiplication facts (to 5X5) with flash cards or using one of our online resources.

Wednesday, May 6th

Part 1

Date: Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 62 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 62

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables: Exploring others

Outcome: I can retell, paraphrase or explain ideas in oral, print and other media texts.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Today we will be reading and studying four different fables. I have attached the pdfs of these fables to this email so you can print them off. If you don’t have access to a printer, that is no problem, you can just open the attachment to read the fables and complete the work in your journal. (Just title the page the name of the fable). I have attached a video for each fable to watch as well.

Page 20 - The Tortoise and the Hare- video of fable Or this one (shorter)

Page 32 -The City Mouse and the Country Mouse - video of fable

Page 48 - The Fox and the Crow - video of fable

Page 44 - The Fox and the Grapes - video of fable

If you are finding these are taking too long to complete in the time allotted, please just do 2 or 3!


  • 4 Fable PDFs attached to email

  • Journal

  • Fable videos

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Write an email, in your journal, or on Seesaw and tell me, if you could be ANYWHERE in the world right now, where would you go? Who would you see? What would you do?

  • Do a letter in cursive writing to keep up with your cursive writing practice.

  • Read for 20 minutes a day!

Thursday, May 7th

Part 1

Date: Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 63 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 63

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Related Facts/ Fact Families with multiplication and division

Outcome: I can create relate multiplication and division equations.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Please watch Mrs. Moore’s related facts video

(The concept is pretty self explanatory once you see the video.)

Sometimes you are given 3 numbers and asked to give 4 equations:

3, 5, 15





Sometimes you are given 1 equation and need to use the numbers within it to create the remaining number sentences:





In your blue Multiplication and Division booklets you will be completing pages 29 and 30.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Check out the new Seesaw assignments (one for math and one for science with lego!)

  • Read a few stories on Epic!

Friday, May 8th

Part 1:

Date: Friday, May 1st

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables Recap

Outcome: I can retell, paraphrase or explain ideas in oral, print and other media texts.

Time frame: 20 minutes


Using the attached PDF, please complete The Story Structure Chart using all of the fables we studied on Wednesday. (If you do not have a printer, create a chart in your journal or on another piece of paper.)

  1. Under Title in the grid chart please put these four fables:

  • The Tortoise and the Hare

  • The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

  • The Fox and the Crow

  • The Fox and the Grapes

2. Characters

Fill in the characters that you find in the four different fables

3. Setting

Please find a description of the setting and say where the fable took place

4. Problem/ solution

Put what the problem and solution was in the story.

5. Moral

The fables all have a simple lesson to teach, please put the four morals under this category.


-The Story Structure Chart PDF (attached to email) OR journal

Part 2

Subject: Religion

Lesson: Spreading the word of God

Outcome: I can understand why we pray. I can pray to communicate with God.

Time frame: 30 minutes


  1. Start the lesson by doing the “sign of the cross” and seeing if you can recite The Lord’s Prayer from memory. See how close you were by reading the prayer below or watching this video version of the prayer:

This is the prayer we say very often at the beginning of each day at school. The Lord’s Prayer is the most widely known prayer throughout all of Christianity. It is an important prayer for you to practice and to understand. Here is a video explaining why we pray this specific prayer.

2. Since music and song are a version of prayer, watch the song “Every Move I Make”.It’s a Christian worship song to get you up and groovin’ worshipping God! My girls love singing and dancing to this song.

3. Watch Mrs. Moore’s video that talks about some of the main reasons why we pray.

4. PRAYER ROCKS! :) Find a rock outside (now that the snow has melted) and paint the word “Pray” on it and decorate it. Keep the rock in your room to remind you to pray to God and try to weave prayer into your daily routine! Share your art through emailed pictures to me or Seesaw!


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Log into Mathletics.com and do “live” and switch the setting from addition to multiplication facts

  • Read for 20 minutes a day!

Monday, May 11th

Welcome to a new week of online learning!

Check out this video before starting today :)

Part 1

Date: Monday, May 11th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 64 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 64

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 17 (pages 84-87)

Outcome: I can spell words with the vowel digraphs ow and ou

Time frame: 45 minutes


Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.84-87). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using page 84-87)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Try to include adverbs (words that describe an action.)

For example:

We quickly rode our bikes to the store.


Emma sadly wiped the tears from her eyes after she scraped her knee.

  • Spring animals division sheet (print and complete-attached to email)

  • Seesaw activities assigned relating to Science: Life Cycles

  • Go explore the ponds around your neighbourhood. Can you find any frog eggs or tadpoles?

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website. Or Ms. Grant’s which can be found here.

Tuesday, May 12th

Part 1

Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 65 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 65

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Outcome: I can solve word problems including multiplication and division

Time frame: 45 minutes


Before starting, please watch my word problem video here.

When we solve a word problem, there are certain steps we can take to make them more simple.

  1. Read the question

  2. Highlight or identify any important information (like numbers!)

  3. Draw a picture so you can clearly see what is taking place

  4. Think about if the numbers will be getting bigger (x) or smaller (÷)

  5. Create a number sentence

  6. Solve

  7. Check to see if your answer makes sense

For example:

Mr. Simmons is teaching 3M dodgeball today. He needs to make 2 equal teams. If there are 22 students in class, how many students will be on each team?

Each team will have 11 players.

22 (students) ÷ 2 (teams) = 11 (on each team)

In your blue Multiplication and Division booklets you will need to complete pages 32 (multiplication problems) and 31 (division problems.)


Mrs. Moore’s word problem video

Blue Multiplication and Division booklets pages 32 and 31.

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Pages 33 and 35 in the blue math booklet

  • Mathletics activities

  • Read for 20 minutes

Wednesday, May 13th

Part 1

Date: Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 66 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 66

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fables: Create your own

Outcome: I can create my own fable that includes a moral.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Create your own Fable

We have finished our Language Arts Unit on Fables and now it is time to write your very own fable!

Components of a fable:

It is a short story

It teaches a lesson or moral to those who read it

It usually contains characters that are animals

Here are some of the fables we studied and the moral that goes along with them:

Belling the Cat- Easier said than done

The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg- Don’t be greedy

The Crow and the Pitcher- Little by little does the trick

The Tortoise and the Hare- Slow and steady wins the race

The Wind and the Sun- You get more with kindness than with force

The Boy who Cried Wolf- No one believes a liar, even when they tell the truth

The Fox and the Grapes- One often hates what one cannot have.

The Fox and the Crow- Never trust a flatterer

The Ant and the Grasshopper- There is a time for work and a time for play

The Lion and the Mouse- Don’t judge a book by its cover.

The Fox and the Stork- Treat others the way you want to be treated

Steps to write your fable:

-You can create your fable in your journal or on a Google Doc.

-Decide what moral or lesson you would like your fable to teach others.

-Feel free to use one of the fables that we have studied and twist it (Ex. change the characters). You can also use a moral of your own choice if you wish.

- Make sure your story is simple and easy to follow

- Once you have finished writing, draw a title page to go with it (optional)

- Send me a completed copy!

Don’t forget:

  1. State your moral at the end of your fable.

  2. Edit/re-read your writing to make sure your spelling and punctuation are correct.

  3. Have FUN and be CREATIVE! I can’t wait to read them!


  • Loose leaf paper

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Create a title or cover page to go with the fable you have created. Make it bright and colourful to grab the attention of readers!

Thursday, May 14th

Part 1

Please give your child a spelling test on the words we practiced on Monday.

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Outcome: I can solve word problems including multiplication and division

Time frame: 45 minutes


Please watch Mrs. Moore’s video on using key words to solve word problems.

Today we will continue to practice solving word problems. However, you will find that in today’s practice, the questions are mixed up. So, you will need to determine whether you need to multiply or divide to solve.

In your blue Multiplication and Division booklets you will be completing pages 36 and 37


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Create your own word problems! One for multiplication and one for division. Solve them, then take a picture and show me! Get your parents or older siblings to give them a try.

  • Finish any pages left incomplete in your blue math booklets. We are now finished with them!

  • Continue to work on your fable

  • Read for 20 minutes (Why don’t you go onto Seesaw and show the class which book you are reading! I bet they would love to read it too!)

Tuesday, May 19th

Welcome back after your long weekend!

Don’t forget about our chat today at 11:00 (password: 7xUzbQ). Remember, I want you to see if you can bring an object that starts with the same letter as your first name! For example, Carys might bring cauliflower and Paige might bring a toy poodle.

Part 1

Date: Tuesday May 19th

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 67 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 67

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 18 (pages 88-91)


I can spell words with long vowel sounds.

I can break words into syllables.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.88-91). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using page 88-91)

Wednesday, May 20th

Part 1

Date: Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 68 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 68

Part 2

Date: Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Measurement- Introduction to non standard units

Outcome: I can measure the passage of time in non-standard units

Time frame: 45 minutes


Watch Mrs. Moore’s video before starting.

In your new Measurement booklet, read pages one and two.

Non standard units are units we can use when we don’t have access to a clock or stopwatch. They give us an estimate as to how much time has passed.

Answer the questions on pages 2 and 3.


  • Mrs. Moore’s video

  • New Measurement booklet (colourful cover bound in green)

  • Materials to make a pendulum (string and washer, or other similar items)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Try Mrs. Walsh’s Wellness Walk

  • Check out the new activities posted on Seesaw!

  • Read to a family member for 20 minutes.

Thursday, May 21st

Today is World Catholic Education Day! Please watch this video on how to pray the rosary. Also, take a look at the supplementary material for a related activity!

Part 1

Date: Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 69 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 69

Part 2

Date: Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Introduction to Fairy Tales

Outcome: I am familiar with the elements that make up a Fairy Tale

Time frame: 45 minutes


Today we are beginning our new unit on Fairy Tales! The first thing we are going to do is understand what makes a fairy tale different from other stories. Please watch this video which explains all the elements of a fairy tale.

Once you understand what a Fairy Tale is, we are going to watch a video about Rapunzel (the original- not like the movie Tangled!)

In your journal, I want you to see if you can list the important Fairy Tale elements from the story Rapunzel. (Please use complete sentences!)

  1. What are the beginning words?

  2. Who were the good characters (the ones who were treated poorly)

  3. Could this story happen in real life?

  4. What kind of magic took place?

  5. Who was the villain or evil character?

  6. How did the story end?


Supplementary practice for today:

  • World Catholic Education Day! Why don’t you consider taking part in a service project to help our community? Fort McMurray has experienced a lot of difficult obstacles lately. Maybe check to see if a charity or organization could use a donation or has a volunteer opportunity (with social distancing of course!) Perhaps the food bank, SPCA, or your church!

  • A few more videos about the Rosary. This one and this one.

  • Watch the movie Tangled and compare it to the original story. How are they alike? How are they different? Does the new version still have all of the elements of a true Fairy Tale?

Friday, May 22nd

Part 1

Please give your child a spelling test on the words we practiced on Tuesday.

Part 2

Date: Friday May 22nd, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Using Standard Unit of Time

Outcome: I can relate seconds, minutes, and hours to common activities.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Today we will be exploring Standard Units of time. These will include seconds, minutes, and hours.

  • Please read pages 4, 5, and 6 in your Measurement booklet. These will explain about how long each unit is.

It is important to understand that units of time go from smallest to biggest in this order:









After reading, please complete pages 8 and 9 in your booklet.


  • Measurement booklet

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Solve the problems on pages 6 and 7 of your booklet.

  • Get a stopwatch (or a timer on your mom or dad’s phone) and time yourself to see how long it takes to do certain activities or chores like brushing your teeth, eating your lunch, playing a board game, driving to the store, taking out the garbage, etc.

Monday, May 25th

Welcome back to a new week! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Don’t forget, we have a zoom chat tomorrow at 11:00. I thought it might be fun to have a Pyjama day! You can wear your pyjamas and bring a special stuffy or toy to introduce to your classmates.

Date: Monday, May 25th

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 70 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section. (Last page in our original book.)

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 70

Date: Monday, May 25th

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 19 (pages 92-95)


  • I can spell words with a short u sound

  • I can spell words with the schwa sound

(very common sound in english, kind of sounds like ‘uh’)

  • I can spell words with long vowel sounds.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.92-95). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.


Spelling package (using pages 92-95)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Try to include a plural word (more than one) and underline your spelling word.

For example:

Last night I read so many books!


Would you like to have some of my grapes?

  • Read for 20 minutes on Epic! Or Raz-kids

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website. Or Ms. Grant’s which can be found here.

Tuesday, May 26th

Class Zoom Chat at 11:00 (password: 5vTPuF). Remember, it is pyjama and stuffy day!

Part 1

Date: Tuesday May 26th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 71 (the first page of the new booklet) of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book (new copy) page 71

Part 2

Date: Tuesday May 26th, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Measurement- Exploring the Calendar

Outcome: I can use a calendar to measure time

Time frame: 45 minutes


Today we are exploring the calendar. We did go over this at the very beginning of the year and so this may feel like a review.

Watch this video. It carefully explains all units of time and how time is measured.

Read through pages 10 and 11 of your green Measurement booklet.

In your Measurement booklet, please complete pages 14 and 15.

Page 14: Seasons and Months

#1-4 are asking you to write down all of the months that belong in each season

#5-8 are asking you to colour the months on the large circle at the top of the page to show which months belong in which season. Here is an example:

Page 15: Creating a calendar

Using the blank calendar sheet, create a calendar for the month of May. Include days of the week, the number for each day, and any holidays (Mother’s day is May 10th and Victoria day is May 18th). You might also include extracurricular activities (Ex. on Tuesday and Thursday I have skating at 5:00). (I know we aren’t currently taking part in outside programs, but we can still include them!).


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Answer the questions on pages 12 and 13 in your measurement booklet.

  • Try the calendar assignments on Mathletics

  • Do some pages in your Time or Calendar booklets

  • Do a page in your orange Addition and Subtraction booklet.

  • Check out the new Seesaw activities

  • Read for 20 minutes

Wednesday, May 27th

Part 1

Date: Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 72 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book #2 (new one!)

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fairy Tales

Outcome: I can listen, speak, read, write, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

Time frame: 45 minutes


  1. Read the fairy tale Cinderella in your new fairy tale booklet (p. 1-7)

In class we would have acted out the story. Here are some ideas on how to read the fairy tale in a creative way:

    • Assign family members a different role and read through the fairy tale together each family member acting out a different role. You can even film this and then watch it together for a few laughs afterwards.

    • Get socks/puppets/dolls to read and “act out” the different characters in the fairy tale.

2. Complete the chart on page 9. Fill in the characters and setting of Cinderella. Summarize and retell the fairy tale in the three boxes provided filling in the beginning, middle and end. (Just the main details- this isn’t a retell.)

3. Do the cut and paste activity on page 10. Cut out the sentences and glue in the correct order on the back of page 9.

4. Cause and Effect page 11 - please complete

Cause is to make something happen

Effect is what happens because of the cause


Cause: Mr. Park threw a tennis ball really high

Effect: It got stuck on the roof of the school :)

5. Go on Epic and read The Daring Prince Dashing - a funny version of Cinderella told from a Prince’s perspective.

6. Watch this funny fractured fairy tale cartoon of Cinderella, make note of the differences between the traditional story and this one - click here


  • Fairy tale booklet

  • Epic (class code: htk6242)

  • Fractured fairy tale video

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Go on Epic and read the assigned fractured fairy tale books which are different versions of Cinderella.

  • Fairy tale booklet - Page 14 - colour the picture of Cinderella and the Prince. Post your work on Seesaw or email it to me.

  • In class, we would normally spend much more time on the Calendar unit. It would be beneficial to continue to practice these skills at home. I have attached some flash cards to your lesson email which can be printed. Then, students can practice putting them in order. Watch this video to practice your months of the year.

  • Check out the new Seesaw activities

  • Work on any page in your Language Development booklet

  • Do a handwriting letter

  • Read to a family member for 20 minutes.

Thursday, May 28th

Part 1

Date: Thursday, May 28th 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 73 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 73

Part 2

Subject: Math- Measurement

Lesson: Using a ruler

Outcome: I can use a ruler to measure length

Time frame: 45 minutes


Today we will be using a ruler to measure length in cm. (I have given everyone a paper ruler to use in case you don’t have a real ruler at home. Any ruler you use will give you accurate measurements as long as you make sure you are using cm and not mm!)

Click here to see my video

Please read pages 16 and 17 in your Measurement booklets to get a better understanding of when we use cm.

In your Measurement booklet, please start on page 20 and work through the next 5 pages (the numbers are a bit mixed up).


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Complete pages 18 and 19 in your Measurement booklets.

  • Do a few pages in your Time or Calendar booklets.

  • Try the measurement assignments on Mathletics

  • Work in your orange Addition and Subtraction practice booklets.

Friday, May 29th

Zoom Extra help today at 11:00!

Part 1:

Warm up: Please give your child a spelling test on the words we practiced on Monday.

Part 2:

Date: Friday, May 29th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fairy tales

Outcome: I can write about ideas in oral, print or other media texts, and relate them to my own ideas and to other texts.

Time frame: 20 minutes


  1. Watch Mrs. Moore reading Seriously, Cinderella is SO ANNOYING! (The story of Cinderella as told by the Wicked Stepmother) - click here

2. In your journal or a loose leaf paper write a fractured fairy tale of Cinderella of your own. I would love to read them! Use these suggestions to give you some ideas:

  • Tell the story from the StepSisters perspective

  • Cinderella meets the Prince and he is super annoying

  • Write the story of Cinderella but change the ending.

  • Change the Godmother into something or someone else.

  • Change the beginning.

  • Change the characters into animals.


  • Mrs. Moore’s video

Part 3:

Subject: Religion

Lesson: The Story of Jonah

Outcome: I am learning about God’s forgiveness and mercy through the story of Jonah

Time frame: 30 minutes


  1. Start the religion lesson with the Sign of the Cross and the Act of Contrition, close with the Sign of the Cross.

An Act of Contrition to Our Lord Jesus

Lord Jesus, you chose to be called the friend of sinners. By your saving death and resurrection free me from my sins. May your peace take root in my heart and bring forth a harvest of love, holiness, and truth.

  1. Listen and worship to the song Oceans

2. Look at the illustration below.

-Can you predict what the story might be about?

-What do you know about the story of Jonah?

3. Watch the story of Jonah in this video based on Jonah 1-3 in the Old Testament. The Bible story of Jonah is a “sacred story”. It is an edifying and sometimes humorous story meant to convey the importance of behaving the way god wants us to behave. It might not be an actual event but it teaches us an important lesson about our God.

4. During the story try answer these questions to try understand the story and it’s lessons.


a) Why do you think Jonah didn’t want to do what God asked?

b)Why do you think Jonah told the sailors to throw him into the sea?

c) Did God give up on Jonah?

d) What happened while Jonah was inside the belly of the fish?

e) How did God save Jonah?

f) What did Jonah do when God asked him again to go to Nieveh?


a. He might have been afraid the people would be angry and hurt him

b. He thought the storm was his fault and that if he were gone, God would not be angry anymore.

c. No, he sent a big fish to swallow him.

d. He decided to ask God to forgive him.

e. The fish spat him out onto dry land.

f. He did as God asked and the people repented.

5. Make this fun craft to conclude this religion lesson to remind you of the story of Jonah and the Fish. Click here to get directions.


Monday, June 1st

Can you believe it is June already??? Summer is coming!

Check out our newest Tadpole update!

Tomorrow we are going to play a game for our meet up! Remember Kahoot?

I am going to set up a game or two and we can all play together at 11:00.

Part 1

Date: Monday, June 1st, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 74 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section. (Last page in our original book.)

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 74

Part 2

Date: Monday, June 1st, 2020

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 20 (pages 96-99)


  • I can spell words with the variant sounds of g and c.

(When the c sounds hard /k/ and when it sounds soft /s/)

(When g sounds hard /g/ and when it sounds soft /j/)

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.96-99). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using pages 92-95)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. See if you can include a word that rhymes with your spelling word. Underline or highlight the spelling word and the rhyming word that goes with it. (Remember, rhyming words do not need to be spelling the same!)

For example:

It would be very hard to be a security guard.

  • Read for 20 minutes on Epic! Or Raz-kids

  • Check out the new Seesaw activities.

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website. Or Ms. Grant’s which can be found here.

Tuesday, June 2nd

Our catch up today will be a little different. I thought we could play a game of Kahoot! Let’s see how it goes! Click here to join at 11:00! (Password: 2sRQws)

Part 1

Date: Tuesday June 2nd, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 75 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book (new copy) page 75

Part 2

Subject: Math

Lesson: Measurement- Measuring Perimeter

Outcome: I can find the perimeter of an object when the measurements are given.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Please watch my Perimeter video.

Perimeter is the distance around the outside of an object. We measure each side and add them together to find the perimeter.

For example, if we wanted to find out the perimeter of a rectangle, we would measure all of the sides with our ruler, and then add those numbers all together. Our answer would be the Perimeter.

So, we would write: 7 + 3 + 7 + 3= 20cm

The perimeter is 20 cm.

As we get started with Perimeter our numbers and units will be given to us, in our next lesson we will need to take those measurements ourselves before adding.

Please read pages 33 and 34 in your Measurement Booklets. Then, complete pages 37 (front and back) and 38.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Find some items with straight sides around your house and see if you can find the perimeter of them. Ask your mom or dad to check to see if you are right! (Books, food items from your pantry, drawers, etc.)

  • Go to Mathletics and try the perimeter and measurement questions

  • Complete some pages in your Time and Calendar booklets.

  • Try your months of the year and days of the week flashcards. Can you still put them in order?

  • Read for 20 minutes

Wednesday, June 3rd

Part 1:


Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020


Language Arts/Math


Warm up

Time frame:

15 minutes


Please complete page 76 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.


Daily Warm Up book #2

Part 2:


Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020


Language Arts


Fairy Tales


I can listen, speak, read, write, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

Time frame:

45 minutes


  1. Read the fairy tale Red Riding Hood in your fairy tale booklet (p.12 - 17 )

In class we would have acted out the story. Here are some ideas on how to read the fairy tale in a creative way:

a) Assign family members a different role and read through the fairy tale together each family member acting out a different role. You can even film this and then watch it together for a few laughs afterwards.

b) Get socks/puppets/dolls to read and “act out” the different characters in the fairy tale.

c) Film yourself acting out the story and watch it after to giggle at all the different voices and actions you acted out :)

2. Watch the video of Little Red Riding Hood, click here

3. Complete the chart on page 18

Fill in the characters and setting of Red Riding Hood. Summarize and retell the fairy tale in the three boxes provided filling in the beginning, middle and end as well as filling in Characters and setting of the fairy tale.

4. Cut and paste activity on page 19

Cut out the sentences and glue in the correct order on the back of page 18

5. Wanted Poster page 20

During this activity you are making a “Wanted Poster” for the wolf in the fairy tale. Be sure to answer some of these questions:

  • Who is the poster about? give a good description of what the wolf looks like so people can pick him out of a crowd!

  • Where was the wolf last seen?

  • What did he do?

  • Is there a reward?

  • Who should people contact if they see the wolf?

  • How should people stay safe if they see the wolf?


  • Fairy tale booklet

  • Little Red Riding Hood Video

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Fairy tale booklet - Page 24 - colour the picture of the Wolf and Red Riding Hood

  • Fairy tale booklet - Page 21, 22 - tells the story from the perspective of the wolf. Fill in the cause and effect.

  • Language Development - any page

  • Read to a family member for 20 minutes.

  • Watch this fractured fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood told by the Wolf, click here.

Thursday, June 4th

Part 1

Date: Thursday, June 4th 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 77 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 77

Part 2

Subject: Math- Measurement

Lesson: Measurement- Measuring perimeter and exploring meters

Outcome: I can find the perimeter of a shape by measuring with a ruler.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Today’s lesson is a continuation of Perimeter.

This time, our measurements will not be given and we will need to use our ruler to measure the sides before adding them together.

If you would like a reminder of how to do this, please rewatch my Perimeter video where I explain step by step.

Remember, when we are solving the perimeter of a shape we have to:

  1. Measure all of the sides with our ruler (using cm)

  2. Add all of the sides together

  3. The answer is the shape’s perimeter!

Sometimes we measure in meters (m) instead of cm.

Meters are longer than cm. There are 100 cm in 1 meter. We use meters when the object we are measuring is BIG. We use centimeters when we are measuring something SMALL.

Be careful as you complete your questions because sometimes our units will be in cm and sometimes they will be in m. You need to have the correct unit to get the answer right.

Please complete pages 39-42 in your Measurement booklet.

Read pages 43 and 44 and then complete page 46


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Complete page 45 in your math booklet

  • Draw shapes and measure their perimeters.

  • Watch this video on Epic! titled “Finding the Perimeter of Polygons”

  • Do a few pages in your Time or Calendar booklets.

  • Try the measurement assignments on Mathletics

  • Work in your orange Addition and Subtraction practice booklets.

Friday, June 5th

Part 1:

Warm up: Please give your child a spelling test on the words we practiced on Monday.

Part 2:

Date: Friday, June 5th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fairy tales: Little Red Riding Hood continued

Outcome: I can write about ideas in oral, print or other media texts, and relate them to my own ideas and to other texts.

Time frame: 20 minutes

Description: Now that you have read Little Red Riding Hood, you know that she had to take a long walk to get to Grandma’s house! Today you will be creating a map for Little Red to follow to get from her house to Grandma’s. Along with this, you will be creating a set of instructions.

Step 1:

On a piece of paper, draw a map showing where Little Red lives and the details of the forest she would encounter to get to her Grandmother’s house. It may look something like this:

Step 2:

Create a list of instructions for Little Red to follow. Your instructions must reflect your map. (So, if you say go past the Lemon Tree, there should be a lemon tree in your map picture.)

Your instructions may look like this:

  1. Step outside your house and begin to walk on the path.

  2. Turn left and follow the path all the way around the forest where Mr. Lumberjack works.

  3. Continue past the 2 big piles of trees.



  • Journal or loose leaf paper to write down your directions

  • Blank paper to draw your map

Part 3:

Date: Friday, June 5th, 2020

Subject: Religion

Lesson: God made me and I am special!

Outcome: Students learn about the creation story and reflect on how God made them just the way they are. Students can identify what makes them special and unique. Students can reflect on the beauty they see in nature and state things they are grateful for.

Time frame: 30 minutes


Step 1: Watch the short videos below:

knowing God video

God Made the World & People video

Step 2: After watching the video, discuss these questions:

  1. Who created the world and everything in it? (A: God)

  2. What is, God’s, most precious creation? (A: People, that includes you and I)

  3. How does it make you feel to know that you are important to God and he made you unique and special in your own way?

Step 3: Go for a nature walk or bike ride (or just lay out on the grass in your backyard). Look around and notice all the beautiful things around you that God made for us. Look up at the sky. Look closely at the ground around you. Close your eyes and listen carefully. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel?

Step 4: Reflection in student workbook or type in google docs.

Write a Prayer of Gratitude. Copy and fill in the example below:

Dear God,

The world you created is so beautiful. Some things I am grateful for in nature are: _____, ______, _______. _______. Thank you for creating me just the way you wanted me to be!

I am grateful that you made me _____, ______, and _______,

I am grateful that you blessed me with having _________.

Thank you for making me really good at __________.

Amen (sign of the cross)

Step 5: Draw a picture. You can draw a picture of some of things you see in nature that you are most grateful for. (ex. Birds, rainbows, mountains, animals, plants, flowers, etc)


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Check out another fractured version of Little Red Riding Hood

  • Watch this full version of the Creation story (28 mins) Creation story movie (28 mins)

  • Draw a self portrait of you just the way God made you! Label it with all your strengths and talents.

  • Language Development Booklet (any page)

Monday, June 8th

Part 1

Date: Monday, June 8th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 78 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 78

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 21 (pages 100-103)


  • I can spell r-controlled words with or, er, ir, ur, and ear.

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.100-103). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using pages 100-103)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Underline the VERBS (action words) and put a box around the ADJECTIVES

For example:

I can’t wait to learn how to ride my green skateboard! (I can't show boxes in this format!)

  • Read for 20 minutes on Epic! Or Raz-kids

  • Check out the new Seesaw activities.

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website. Or Ms. Grant’s which can be found here.

Tuesday, June 9th

Don’t forget we have a Zoom chat today at 11:00 (password: 1bVjHG)! We will be doing a “Guess that Teacher” game on Kahoot followed by a game of “Would You Rather?” It should be fun, I hope to see you all there :)

Part 1

Date: Tuesday June 9th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 79 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book (new copy) page 79

Part 2

Date: Tuesday June 9th, 2020

Subject: Math

Lesson: Measurement- Grid Perimeter

Outcome: I can find the perimeter of an object on a grid

Time frame: 45 minutes


Please start by watching this video on Grid Perimeter.

(Sometimes this can be a tricky concept, so I highly recommend watching the video before trying the questions.)

For this lesson, we are still solving the perimeter of the shape. Just like we did before, we are adding up all of the sides to find the answer.

The difference this time, is that we are not measuring with a ruler. Our shape will be on a grid and we will need to count the line segments around the shape to find the answer.

Like this:

In this picture, I can see that there are 3 sections across the top and bottom, and 4 down both of the sides.

So, I would add: 4 + 3 + 4 + 3= 14

My perimeter would be 14cm.

(I am still using cm as a unit because each little square on the grid is 1cm.)

Please read page 47 in your Measurement Booklet.

Then, complete pages 49, 50, and 51.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Try page 49 in your math book.

  • Go to Matheltics and complete any measurement lessons you haven’t already finished.

  • Read for 20 minutes

Wednesday, June 10th

Part 1:

Date: Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 80 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book #2 page 80

Part 2:

Date: Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Fairy Tales

Outcome: I can listen, speak, read, write, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

Time frame: 45 minutes


  1. Read the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk in your fairy tale booklet (p.57-63)

In class we would have acted out the story. Here are some ideas on how to read the fairy tale in a creative way:

a) Assign family members a different role and read through the fairy tale together each family member acting out a different role. You can even film this and then watch it together for a few laughs afterwards.

b) Get socks/puppets/dolls to read and “act out” the different characters in the fairy tale.

c) Film yourself acting out the story and watch it after to giggle at all the different voices and actions you acted out :)

2.Watch the video of Jack and the Beanstalk

3. Complete the chart on page 64. Fill in the characters and setting of Jack and the Beanstalk. Summarize and retell the fairy tale in the three boxes provided filling in the beginning, middle and end as well as filling in characters and setting of the fairy tale.

4. Character Traits on page 67 - go through the character traits and label which one would describe Jack and which one would describe the Giant.

Example: clever - Jack

5. Opinion Writing - page 70 - 73

Read over page 70 & 71 - Talk about the lessons that you could learn from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Pick the most important lesson and use it to write your opinion paragraph on it.

Fill in the chart on page 72 with the lesson you picked as most important. This will help you structure and write your paragraph on the next page.

On page 73, use the chart on page 72 to write your opinion writing piece. You can also send your writing to me in an email or on google classroom. Make sure you try to convince or persuade the reader that the lesson you picked is the most important lesson in Jack and the Beanstalk.


  • Fairy tale booklet

  • Jack and the Beanstalk Video

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Watch this fractured version of Jack and the Beanstalk

  • Fairy tale booklet - Page 66 - Cause and Effect page about Jack and the Beanstalk.

  • Fairy tale booklet - Cut and paste activity on page 65

  • Fairy tale booklet - Wanted Poster page 68

During this activity you are making a “Wanted Poster” for the character Jack in the fairy tale. Be sure to answer some of these questions:

  • Who is the poster about? give a good description of what Jack looks like so people can pick him out of a crowd!

  • Where was Jack last seen?

  • What did he do, why is he wanted by the police?

  • Is there a reward?

  • Who should people contact if they see Jack?

  • Language Development - any page

  • Read to a family member for 20 minutes.

Thursday, June 11th

Part 1

Date: Thursday, June 11th 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 81 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 81

Part 2

Subject: Math- Measurement

Lesson: Measurement- Finding perimeter on a grid

Outcome: I can find the perimeter of a shape on a grid.

Time frame: 45 minutes


This is a continuation of Tuesday’s lesson. On Tuesday we found the perimeter of a shape on a grid. Today, we will be given a perimeter and need to make a shape with that perimeter.

It may be helpful to rewatch this video from Tuesday.

If a question asks you to draw a shape that has a perimeter of 10cm.

You might draw something like this:

If I count all of the sections around the outside of the shape, I will see that I have a perimeter of 10cm.

A perimeter of 10cm may also look like this:

You can create different shapes with the same perimeters.

In your Measurement workbook,

please complete pages 52, 53, and 54.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Use pages 55-58 to continue practicing grid perimeter.

Try creating shapes with different perimeters, and then different shapes with the same perimeters.

  • Work in your orange Addition and Subtraction practice booklets.

Friday, June 12th

Part 1:

Warm up: Please give your child a spelling test on the words we practiced on Monday.

Part 2:

Date: Friday, June 12th, 2020

Subject: Religion

Lesson: Standing up to discrimination in our world

Outcome: Students learn that all humans are uniquely different and should be valued equally. They will learn what to do when they see discrimination.

Time frame: 45 minutes


(Parents: I have included this link to a Sesame Street clip which explains the current happenings in the world in child friendly language. If you would like to discuss this concept further as a family, I recommend watching the video together and answering any questions your child may ask. It contains sensitive material and so I do encourage your family to watch it together. It is a great way to open a dialogue to these very important matters.)


Last week we reflected on how grateful we were for all of God’s creations and how he made each of us with unique qualities and talents. We are different from one another. Today we are going to explore how we can respect and show kindness to all of the people God has created. All people are equal and should be valued as such. Sometimes, people need help from others.

Watch this little video called The Reflection in Me to remind yourself of how perfectly perfect you are.

Now, let’s think about your friends, your family, your classmates, even strangers. They are perfectly perfect too. God made all of us to be exactly who he wanted us to be. Each of us is perfectly perfect.

Listen to this story called Same Difference about cousins Lisa and Lida.

Sometimes, people around us can try to make us change the way we see ourselves, or treat us with less respect than we deserve. This is called Discrimination. Sometimes people are treated unfairly because of the colour of their skin, their religion, the language they speak, etc.

What if you saw someone treating a perfectly perfect friend or classmate in an unkind way? What could you do to help this person?

Think to yourself, “Is it best to stay quiet?”- If you stay quiet, does the problem go away or the situation change?

So, what can you do to help those around you who need it?

-Try using your words. Tell someone what they said was unkind.

-Get an adult to help

-Ask the person who is being treated unfairly to come play with you or join your game

Discuss the stories/videos you heard with an adult. Then, in your journal, please write about what you can do to help someone who needs it. How can you stop discrimination?

I would love to see these journal entries. Please email me a photo of your journal entry once completed.


Supplementary practice for today:

  • Finished up any Mathletics assignments not yet completed

  • Read for 20 minutes

  • Practice your multiplication tables (this is going to be so important for grade 4!)

Monday, June 15th

Part 1

Date: Monday, June 15th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 82 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book page 82

Part 2

Subject: Language Arts- Spelling lesson

Lesson: Building Spelling Skills- Lesson 22 (pages 104-107)


  • I can spell r-controlled words with ar, are, or, and, ore

Time frame: 45 minutes

Description: Students will work through all the pages of this lesson (p.104-107). Each section is explained in the heading above it. Please let me know if you are unsure of any of the instructions.

Resources: Spelling package (using pages 104-107)

Supplementary practice for today:

  • In your journal, choose 5 spelling words and create a descriptive sentence to go with each one. Underline the NOUNS (people, places, and things) and put a box around the ADJECTIVES (words that describe the nouns)

For example:

In the morning I always eat a yellow banana and a peanut butter toast.


My uncle lives on a dairy farm.

  • Read for 20 minutes on Epic! Or Raz-kids

  • Check out the new Seesaw activities.

  • Don’t forget to check out Mr. Simmons’ activities which can be found here on his website. Or Ms. Grant’s which can be found here.

Tuesday, June 16th

Part 1:

Date: Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts / Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 83 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book #2

Part 2:

Subject: Math- Measurement

Lesson: Measurement- Mass

Outcome: I can find the mass of objects in kilograms and grams.

Time frame: 45 minutes


Step 1: Today’s lesson is exploring mass, the kilogram and gram. Please watch my video here.

Step 2: read over pages 59 - 63 in your Measurement booklet.

A gram is a small unit of mass. The mass of an object you can hold in the palm of your hand is usually measured in grams - paperclip, pushpin, toothpick, a piece of gum. We write one gram like this: 1 g

A kilogram has 1000 grams. It is a larger unit of measurement than the gram. Some examples of some things that might be a kilogram are: a bag of sugar, a small bag of apples or potatoes. We write kilogram like this:

1 kg

Step 3: Please complete pages 64 -66 in your Measurement booklet.


  • Measurement booklet pages 59-66

  • Scale if you have one!

  • Mrs. Moore’s g/kg video

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Go on a scavenger hunt around your house, post pictures of the objects on Seesaw! Remember most food has its mass written on the bag. Can you find anything in the pantry or cupboards that is:

Exactly one kilogram?

Exactly 500 grams?

Exactly 5 kilograms?

Between 250-300 grams?

Between 900-950 grams?

  • Do a few pages in your Time or Calendar booklets.

  • Try the measurement assignments on Mathletics

  • Work in your orange Addition and Subtraction practice booklets.

Wednesday, June 17th

Part 1:

Date: Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts/Math

Lesson: Warm up

Time frame: 15 minutes

Description: Please complete page 84 of the morning warm up book. Follow the directions given in each section.

Resources: Daily Warm Up book #2 page 84

Part 2:

Date: Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson: Centimeter City / Review

Outcome: I can find the measurement of objects by using centimetres, the perimeter and the mass of an object.

Time frame: 45 minutes


As this is our last math lesson, I have given 3 choices of assignments as review.

You can choose 1, 2, or do all 3 if you are feeling like a challenge!

Option 1:

You have been put in charge as the head of the construction crew to draw a CENTIMETER CITY! You will need to build each location by following the exact measurements of the instructions given to you!

Please read and follow the instructions on page 69.

Post your completed drawings on Seesaw to show your classmates or email me your Centimeter city!

Option 2:

In your math booklet on pages 67 and 68, there is a unit review practice. You can complete these questions.

Option 3: (attached to email)

Complete the attached review and test on Measurement. (This will not be marked or used for assessment.) It is similar to the test that we would have used in the classroom. Give it a try and see if you truly understand all of the concepts, or if there are particular skills you should continue to review.


  • Measurement Booklet

  • A piece of paper, ruler and pencil

  • Attached Measurement unit test and study guide

Supplementary practice for today:

  • Read for 20 minutes

  • Spend time daily completing your geometry, calendar, time and addition/subtraction booklets.

  • Practice math on mathletics

  • Use the multiplication flash cards or cootie catchers to practice multiplication