Home: Finding Databases

General Database Access

If your professor recommends a specific database, you could probably locate it through a Google search; however, you will not have full access to the information. If you are provided a place to enter a username and password, you still will not be given access. You must access the database through the FHU library website for the databases to recognize you as a Freed-Hardeman student.

Off-Campus Use of Databases

When off-campus, make sure that you access our databases through the FHU library's page. Please remember you will get a gray pop-up window asking for your credentials. It will be your FHU user name and password, which is the same as what you use to check your university email.

Finding Specific Databases

The library provides access to numerous databases, and you can use any of them. Databases are a useful way to search for electronic articles. Searching within a specific database can be more helpful than searching our catalog because you can more easily narrow your search and save important articles.

On the right side of the library Home page, click on Journals and Databases.

From the Journals and Databases page, you can search for a specific journal title, search databases by subject, or browse through our most frequently used databases.

If you have a particular database in mind, you can go straight to it from this page. Select All Databases and then scroll down until you find the database you need; they are listed in alphabetical order.

If you desire any further help, please contact the library at library@fhu.edu or at 731-989-6067; we'd be happy to assist you!