Films on Demand

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Films on Demand is our premium streaming video database that specializes in educational and academic content; it has thousands of full-length videos and video segments that are ideal for class presentations, projects, and lesson plans.

Common Questions About Films on Demand

Do I have to make an account on Films on Demand?

For normal use, no; you can search and view any of their videos without an account. However, an account is required to create a playlist and mark your favorites; both of these features can be helpful, so it might be beneficial to create an account at some point. Learn more here.

Can I download a Films on Demand video?

No, Films on Demand is a streaming service, so you have to view it either from their website or embedded in another site.

How do I get the direct link to a video or playlist?

When you're looking at the video or playlist, the direct link is found beneath the video and the video's title. It will be labeled <>Embed/Link. Learn more here.

How do I make a playlist of several videos?

To make a playlist, you will need to create an account for yourself if you don't already have one. Content can be added to playlists using the Add To page tool. This page tool can be found on all search results and media viewing pages, when the content type is supported. Click on the Add To link, and then the Add to Playlist tab. Learn more here.

If you desire any further help, please contact the library at or at 731-989-6067; we'd be happy to assist you!