Saving Forest Roads

Post date: Sep 16, 2012 4:55:23 PM

Brushing To Save Grade Creek Road

Why is "Friends" so passionate about keeping brush cleared off forest roads? The brush grows along the road shoulders and if not cut back will spread into the roadbed and the road becomes narrower and narrower until it is no longer drivable. Taller brush during the heavy snows will bend in and fall into the road making the road passable. A road choked with brush as poor and sometimes even dangerous visibility for the drivers. These roads can be listed as dangerous roads and closed or decommissioned or just simply melt away and another access is gone.We have logged in at 77 hours of volunteer work from August 18th to September 7th to safe Grade Creek Road. This is a race against winter approaching and larger taller brush is the primary focus. For the love of your roads please become involved. It may surprise you, working on roads can be a lot of fun too!Photos: Saving turnouts and visibility on Grade Creek Road