Rebuild Transmission & Overdrive

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The transmission was totally disassembled, cleaned and painted. All the parts were purchased from John Esposito at

John has helped me a lot with parts and advice and he has reengineered a few bushings for this gearbox that tend to fail prematurely. All the synchromesh rings were replaced as well as a few other parts that John advised. Otherwise all other gears, shafts, bearings, bushings, etc. were in good shape.

Another view of transmission disassembled.

The overdrive (looks like another smaller transmission) has not yet been disassembled.

The Transmission was easy compared to this overdrive. This link is invaluable if anyone wants to take a shot at it. I had to fabricate some special tools.

The only problem I found was that a thrust washer had broken and scored up a spot that I was able to clean up with my lathe, and then fabricate a thicker thrust washer.

Checking the tolerances to meet specs.

Wow, look at that calendar, I've been at this for a while. Too much fun driving the other TR4

All back together and hooked up to an electric motor for testing. If you zoom in on this you can see the belt and pully going to the motor and the gauge checking that we are within specification. I also used a hydraulic gauge to check specs.

Anyone interested can look here for details of process

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