
Hello students and parents. We will be using a web based program for assignments and due dates called Edmodo. It also has a

function that allows other students and myself to post questions and comments on the site. It also has an assignment calendar which is very

helpful if a student is absent or needs to make up an assignment. Please remind your child that appropriate internet rules

apply when submitting a post and using the website. Parents, please read the Terms of Use. I want to assure all parents that any communication

on the site is contained within our classroom and students cannot communicate with folks outside of our class. I have asked for

students to register for the class and they will need your permission to do so. Please click and read the document towards the bottom of this page and

visit the website to learn more about it.

http://www.edmodo.com/ View the videos below to learn more about Edmodo and its use in the classroom.