Perkins V 

Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century

Career and Technical Consortium (Shared Service Agreement-SSA)

The Region 14 ESC serves as the fiscal agent for school districts within the region that are allocated less than $15,000 federal basic grant career and technical education funds. The consortium fiscal agent provides services to enable districts that would otherwise be ineligible to receive federal grant funds the opportunity to receive a prorate share of consortium funds. The primary functions of the fiscal agent are;

Perkins V, Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century

The federal Perkins grant provides formula allocations for Local Education Agencies (LEA) to develop more fully the academic, technical, and employability skills of secondary education students who elect to enroll in CTE programs. LEA's must demonstrate that they are fulfilling requirements for uses of funds with the Perkins grant award or a combination of the Perkins grant award and other funds.  The link below includes a video series which provides resources to support LEA's with completing their Perkins local application of funds. 


CLNA 2022-2023

Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

CLNA can be found in TEAL eGrants under Special Collections

Region 14 share service arrangement

Perkins SSA members Meeting Zoom Dates

September 7th @ 1:30-2:30 PM

Need to register in PitStop for Zoom Access

Career planning starts here!


Autocoding Information

The transition from self-reported data to an autocoded course completion system reported in PEIMS is effective for the 2020-2021 school year. The Perkins V Indicator report is generated from this data set to measure the performance of CTE programs in Texas at the local and state levels. The following resources will provide local education agencies (LEA) and stakeholders with information on the new autocode system. LEAs interested in developing a local version of the CTE autocode system can access the technical documents at under CTE auto calculation.

questions: Please contact

Vicki Hayhurst

Region 14 Career and Technical Education Specialist
