Blue Notes

Spirit of Excellence 2020

Jazz Band is at the beginning and Blue Notes sang "You Will Be Found" at the end

What is Blue Notes?

Any 7th or 8th grader who is in Chorus class may audition for The Blue Notes, which is an auditioned group of singers who meet during Team Time.  We sing difficult repertoire and also have choreography (movement) with some of our songs.  WE PERFORM A LOT! Some past performances include Solo & Ensemble in March, singing The National Anthem on the ice at a Madison Capitols hockey game, in the rotunda at The Capitol Building for Music in our Schools Month, local nursing homes, community events, special school assemblies, and so much more. You are required to practice on your own and come to rehearsals prepared by already knowing your part. You must attend any outside of the day rehearsals and often give up extra outside time. 

Students who make it into the group:

-are self-motivated and well-behaved leaders

-have good attitudes, always try their best and are independent singers

-rehearse on their own 


Auditions will be during the first couple weeks of October. You may either come to Mrs. Proper's room to audition in person or you can submit a video of you singing the song. 


"Tiritomba" at Solo & Ensemble, 2023
