PE at Home

Field Day 2020

Join us this Wednesday for our School’s Field Day. Enjoy over 20 different activities and games from your home! You can pick and choose which ones you want to do or you can do them all! Here you will find the list of equipment/supplies you will need and you can click here for the videos of the different activities! Although we won’t be able to spend the day out on the field with our classes and grade levels like in years past we can get the whole family involved and have fun!

Each week I’ll be updating this so that you have more information on each of the topics we go over. In addition to the main topics (which we would be doing in class) I will add some bonus games and ideas so that we all can stay active and have fun. I know many of us do not have all of the necessary equipment to do all of these activities so in each unit I will be talking about how we can try and modify or make some homemade equipment with materials lying around the house. Gopher Sports has put together a great Equipment replacement list which you can find here

Please feel free to do as much or as little (hopefully one activity each week) as you would like