Welcome DR Staff to my Technology Integration Center 

DR Staff-  I have put below a list of how to videos/materials by grade and program.

There are many how to videos that will help you be able to in using the various programs. There are many how to videos you can use within your Google Classroom (GC) assignments for your students. Just copy the video you want and paste the link into your GC assignment.

 With some of the programs like GC and Slides, when you go to their pages you will see individual how to videos, but there is also a large image, when clicked on, it will open up to a web page with all the videos in one spot. You  can add it an GC assignment for your students to help with projects.

I have a "Just in Time" Technology help/training form link below. This form will allow any one at DR to be able to fill out the form whenever you have a technology need or training or a lesson you need with adding technology to it or any instructional technology needs.

"How to" Videos and PDF files by Grade groups and Programs

Grades K-12

Google Programs and Chromebook

Chromebook and Accessibility

District Programs

Screen capturing and Recording programs

Online Formative Assessments , Online Lesson, Instructional Technology tools/skills practice Programs


I have a "Just in Time" Technology help/training/Lesson form link below. This form will allow any DR staff member to be able to fill out the form whenever you have a technology need or training or a lesson you need with adding technology to it

Click the Image to go to the Tech Time Slots Calendar and choose your TIme Slot - DES only

Great video on Online Expectations: