STEM MAD 2023 - An overview

The STEM MAD Student Showcase is a celebration of student learning designed to acknowledge and promote STEM learning initiatives that address real-world problems and demonstrate the particularity of Catholic Schools; encouraging students to make a difference (MAD) in the world by acting for justice and the common good. 

Primary and Secondary schools are invited to showcase student learning at CEDoW STEM MAD. The showcase is designed to celebrate STEM-based learning initiatives that address real-world problems and demonstrate how students in Catholic schools take action that matters.

Schools are invited to select individual or group student projects to be presented at the showcase. Students will share their learning in a gallery-style format allowing for their peers, teachers, and the greater CEDoW learning community to understand the what, how, and why of their STEM-based learnings.

What schools need to do:

What schools need to know:

Anticipated Outcomes  from 

STEM MAD Participation

CELEBRATE students taking action that makes a difference

SHOWCASE deep learning

ENGAGE schools in effective STEM based multidisciplinary inquires

PROMOTE high quality STEM education for future focused learning

CONTEXTUALISE STEM in the core curriculum

ENACT SOCIAL JUSTICE for the Common Good

STEM MAD is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate what your students have been doing in the STEM space. From app prototypes to entrepreneurial social enterprises. If your students have worked to solve a real-world problem they are eligible!

What does this mean?

How to get involved?

Any STEM learning projects that have been completed this year are eligible. Check out the Project Criteria to see if what you have done fits. Plan for Term 2 projects that will 'Make a Difference'. Align your Term 2 units to create a STEM solution that meets the criteria.

If you think you've got something to showcase then please complete this short survey to indicate your school's intention to enter. 

What might this look like in my school?

This could be incorporated into your currently running or planned units or it may just be offered as a stand-alone - student opt-in project. Support is readily available for everyone who would like assistance or advice.

Three Categories to Enter


STEM MAD National Project Criteria 2021 - Primary


STEM MAD National Project Criteria 2021 - Secondary

Future is STEM

The 'Future is STEM' project category was created when it became apparent that there were students creating extremely impressive integrated STEM projects which demonstrated all the STEM capabilities but didn't quite meet the 'MAD' criteria. In order to continue to encourage those students to participate in STEM MAD and celebrate their demonstrated understanding of STEM the 'Future is STEM' category was born and it continues to produce exciting and highly skilled projects.

Need some inspiration? Check out previous years entries -------->

Guidelines for Submission Videos


Students will be required to submit a video submission of their project and how it meets the criteria by Making a Difference (or Future STEM). The video submission be no longer than 2.5 minutes and capture the 5 key points:

Live Showcase Presentation Guide

Selected students will be assigned an area to presentation their learning. The designated area will include a table, wall space, or booth. Students will be allocated time at this location to present their learning in an informal way to attendees. Please note students will be required to repeat their presentation for multiple attendee groups during the allocated time.

The presentation should not be longer than 4-mins and should address the below questions:

Students are encouraged to enhance their presentations and support the above questions with some of the below ideas: